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词汇 activities
例句 Progress was made by the accumulated activities of large groups of innominate people.进展是由大批大批默默无闻的人们日积月累的活动经营所取得的。We try to do as many different activities as we can with the children during the school holidays.学校放假期间,我们尽可能陪孩子们进行各种各样的活动。Special activities were designed in the hospital to meet the needs of subnormals.医院为满足弱智者的需要而设计了特殊的活动。In the secondary school motivation involves many types of activities.在中等学校里,激发学习兴趣涉及多种活动。She coordinates the activities of all senior managers.她协调所有高层经理的活动。The boys would come back from their outdoor activities with very hearty appetites.男孩们户外活动完回家后会胃口大开。The program of outdoor activities includes skiing, climbing, and hiking.户外活动计划包括滑雪、登山和远足。I have never been involved in any way, shape, or form with criminal activities.我与犯罪活动没有任何一丝一毫的关系。We've tried to include Susan in our social activities, but we get no response.我们试过让苏珊来参加我们的社交活动,可没有得到回应。I consider activities such as jogging and weightlifting as unnatural.我认为像慢跑、举重这样的运动不符合自然规律。Ministers are as keen as ever to wrap their activities in a shroud of secrecy.部长们一如既往地迫切想把他们的行动搞得神神秘秘的。They were accused of financing the group's illegal activities.他们被控向该组织的非法活动提供资金。In America most leisure-time activities are about a million times better than anywhere else.美国大多数休闲娱乐活动比其他地方要丰富得多的多。His activities eventually led him into politics.他所从事的各种活动最终把他引入政坛。Mining activities have totally disrupted the traditional way of life of the Yanomami Indians.采矿已经彻底扰乱了扬诺马米印第安人传统的生活方式。I told Louie that old age would curtail her activities in time.我告诉路易,一上年纪她的活动量就会减少。The police were starting to take a close interest in the company's activities.警方开始密切关注该公司的活动。Alberts created false documents to hide his activities from his employers.艾伯茨捏造假文件,向雇主隐瞒他的活动。I dare say it was all a “front” for spy activities.我敢说它完全是个间谍活动的掩护机构。Perhaps a clue to his death was discoverable from his activities that day. 关于他死亡原因的线索有可能从他当天的活动中发现。How many of their activities can be safely and effectively delegated to less trained staff?.他们的活动有多少可以稳妥有效地委托给那些资质稍浅的员工来进行?In addition to teaching basic academic skills, we offer a large variety of activities for students.除了教授基本学术技能之外,我们还为学生安排了各种各样的活动。He swore that he took no part in the group's illegal activities.他发誓没参与过这个集团的非法活动。You can take part in outdoor activities from canoeing to bird watching.你可以参加多项户外活动,如划艇、观鸟等。Sometimes fun activities just happen spontaneously; at other times they take careful planning.有时候好玩的活动自然就来了,有时候却需要精心筹划。Day care enables women to get involved in other activities.日托服务能够让妇女有时间参与其他活动。The intelligence agency is not in the business of routinely monitoring the activities of law-abiding citizens.情报机关通常不会监控守法公民的活动。Guests can enjoy plenty of activities, like swimming, surfing, and horse-riding.客人可以享受很多活动,如游泳、冲浪和骑马。Our days were crammed with activities.我们的活动日程排得满满的。Her testimony may blow the lid off the CIA's activities in Latin America.她的证词也许会暴露中央情报局在拉丁美洲的活动。A general anxiousness developed, leading to a constriction of her normal activities.一种普遍的焦虑滋生出来,这影响了她的正常活动。A terrible tiredness had overcome her, leaving her no energy for extra activities.她疲惫不堪,再没有气力参加其他的活动。The Web site provides users with information about local activities.这个网站向用户提供本地活动的信息。We need to focus on our core activities.我们需要把注意力集中在最重要的活动上。The report makes veiled references to his criminal activities.这份报告半遮半掩地提到了他的犯罪活动。School activities are being curtailed due to a lack of funds.由于资金匮乏,校园活动正被削减。Debra is a very enterprising young black businesswoman who is involved in a lot of activities.德布拉是个年青而又非常有胆识的黑人女商人,其涉猎广泛。Even profound amnesiacs can usually recall how to perform daily activities.即使是深度遗忘症患者通常也能记得怎样进行日常活动。Once the pain has gone away, you can resume your normal activities.疼痛一消失,你就可以恢复平时的活动。Yoko had largely confined her activities to the world of big business.洋子主要是做大生意。




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