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词汇 fateful
例句 Leading Britain into the euro could be the most fateful decision he will ever take.带领英国加入欧元区可能是他将要做出的最重大的决定。The judge pronounced the fateful words.法官宣布了决定命运的判决。He made the fateful decision to send in the troops.他作出了派遣部队这个影响重大的决定。Since that fateful day her life had not been worth living.自从那个灾难性的日子以后,她的生活就失去了意义。His decisive action on that fateful night saved many lives.在那个决定性的夜晚,他的果断行动拯救了许多人的生命。His life changed on that fateful November evening.在那个决定其命运的十一月的夜晚,他的人生被改写。When his rent was raised, he made the fateful decision to move north.房租上涨,他作出重大决定,搬到北方去住。It was here that Holmes had his fateful encounter with Professor Moriarty.正是在这里福尔摩斯与莫里亚蒂教授致命邂逅。I watched the faces of the children reading the names of strangers and loved ones lost on that fateful day.孩子们读着在那个重大日子里失去生命的陌生人和亲人的名字,我注视着他们的脸。Her campaign took a fateful turn.她的竞选形势急转直下。It was a fateful decision, one which was to break the Government.这是一项将会让政府垮台的重大决定。Henry cast his mind back to the fateful evening.亨利回想起那个灾难性的晚上。He died after making the fateful decision to drive that evening.他作了当晚开车的要命决定,结果送了命。But fateful forces beyond the band's control were to conspire against them.然而,乐队无力控制的各种决定性力量将会对他们造成不利的影响。One fateful night he was involved in an accident that changed his life forever.一天晚上,他不幸遭遇事故,从此改变了他的一生。Years afterwards there were still repercussions from his fateful decision.多年之后他那重大决定的深远影响犹在。He gave a detailed account of what happened on the fateful night.他详细描述了那个灾难性夜晚所发生的事。Hundreds perished on that fateful day.数百人在那个灾难性的日子失去了生命。The director flashes back to that fateful night in the jungle and we see what really happened.导演重现了丛林里那个灾难性的夜晚,让我们看到了事情的真相。After that fateful morning, my life changed.自那个决定命运的上午之后,我的生活改变了。This is a fateful decision.这是一项重大的决定。In a fateful coincidence, the flight attendant just happens to have been the best friend of Jake's dead former girlfriend.那位空中乘务员碰巧是杰克已故前女友最好的朋友,这是个命中注定的巧合。She made the fateful decision to go back home to face her mother.她做出了回家面对母亲的重大决定。




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