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词汇 streaming
例句 There's no streaming at St Benedict's school.圣贝尼迪克特学校不分高低班。Sunlight was streaming into the courtyard.阳光照到院子里。The morning light came streaming in through the windows.晨曦透过窗户照射进来。Tears began streaming down her cheeks.眼泪开始顺着她的脸颊滚落下来。They peeled off from the human torrent streaming down Chang An Boulevard.他们离开了长安街上的人流。The door opened wide and people came streaming out.门大敞着,人潮往外涌出。I awoke next morning to brilliant sunshine streaming into my room.第二天早晨我醒来时房间里洒满了灿烂的阳光。The sunshine came streaming in at the window.阳光从窗户照射进来。The pollen irritated my eyes, which were red and streaming with tears.花粉使我的双眼发痛、发红,泪流不止。Symptoms are streaming eyes, a runny nose, headache and a cough.症状包括流泪、流鼻涕、头痛和咳嗽。Refugees have been streaming into the city for months.数月来难民一直不断涌入该城。Refugees have been streaming into Travnik for months.几个月来不断有难民涌入特拉夫尼克。A cold usually starts with a streaming nose and dry throat.感冒开始时通常会流鼻涕、嗓子发干。Her eyes were streaming with tears.她的眼里流出眼泪。Sunlight was streaming into the courtyard.阳光洒进那座院子。He advocates streaming children, and educating them according to their needs.他提倡把学生按能力分班,因需施教。Thousands of refugees are now streaming out of the city.成千上万的难民现正涌出市区。Her eyes were streaming now from the wind.她的眼睛被风吹得直流泪。The tears were streaming so fast she could not see.眼泪哗哗地流下来,她的视线一下子就模糊了。Light was streaming in through the open door.光线从敞开的门口倾泻进来。When I got up, my face was streaming with blood.我站起来的时候脸上流着血。Refugees were streaming across the border.难民川流不息地涌过边境。The streaming service is great for the movie watcher.流媒体对于电影观众来说棒极了。They were streaming sweat under their lumberjack shirts and padded jackets.他们穿着短衬衫和棉夹克,挥汗如雨。The horses came to a halt, steam streaming from their nostrils.这些马停了下来,鼻孔喷着热气。The sunlight was streaming into my room.阳光正照进我的房间。The sun was streaming in through the window, yet it did nothing to lighten his mood.阳光透过窗户照进来,但是却一点儿也没有让他愉快起来。He had been greeted by the sight of his mother, her red hair wildly streaming.他最先看见了他母亲,她红色的头发在风中狂舞。Her eyes were streaming from the wind.风吹得她直流眼泪。Elise ran, her hair streaming out behind her.埃莉斯跑着,头发向后飘动。She came in, rain streaming from her clothes and hair.她进来时,雨水顺着她的衣服和头发往下流。When she woke, the sun was streaming through the windows.她醒来时,阳光泻入窗户。The opera house formed an immense hall with a hundred streaming lustres.从枝形吊灯上垂下的一百个刻花玻璃垂饰将歌剧院装点得富丽堂皇。Rural residents are streaming to the cities.农村人口正在源源不断涌入城市。Water came streaming out of the burst pipe.水从爆裂的水管中涌出来。There was bright sunlight streaming through the windows.明媚的阳光透过窗户照射进来。The sky was a delicate blue streaming with rags of crisp clean cloud.湛蓝的天空散布着缕缕光洁如洗的白云。I've got a terrible cold and my nose has been streaming all week.我得了重感冒,整个星期都在流鼻涕。Tears were streaming down her unmade cheeks.眼泪顺着她那未施脂粉的面颊流下。Some people object to streaming because it gives an unfair advantage to intelligent children.有些人反对把学生按能力分班,因为这给了聪明的学生优惠待遇,很不公平。




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