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词汇 怀念
例句 Our memory of her will never die.我们将永远怀念她。He'll be remembered with genuine affection.人们将真切地怀念他。She was pining for the old days.她很怀念过去的日子。When she was promoted, she missed the day-to-day involvement with customers.升职以后她很怀念以前每天与顾客打交道的时光。Even Green's rivals say they will miss his instinctive feel for the industry.连格林的竞争对手都说,会怀念他对这一行的那种直觉。There is a tendency to look back at a time when people were more peaceful and law-abiding.人们总爱怀念过去的日子,那时的人更加和睦,更加守法。He'll be missed by some, but not, I suspect, by all his colleagues.我觉得他会被他的某些,而不是全部,同事所怀念He missed having good friends.怀念曾经拥有好朋友的时光。They had a deep yearning for their homeland.他们深深地怀念着祖国。De Gaulle will always be remembered as a great French patriot.作为法国一位伟大的爱国者,戴高乐将永远被人们所怀念The poet will also be remembered as a humorist and a satirist.这位诗人也将作为幽默作家和讽刺家被人们怀念I lived on my own for a while but I missed the companionship of others.我一个人生活了一段时间,但很怀念同伴的情谊。He'll be sadly missed. He was a real character.人们会非常怀念他的,他可真是个有趣的人啊。He felt a great yearning after his old job.他非常怀念过去干的工作。Jim Perry was a wonderful employee and will be sadly missed.吉姆·佩雷是个非常棒的雇员,会让人伤心地怀念I cherish the memory of those happy times.怀念记忆中的那些快乐时光。He missed the routine of army life.怀念军队里稳定的生活。His longing for the Australian landscape drew him back.对故乡山山水水的怀念使他又回到了澳大利亚。The old days you long for are gone beyond recall.你所怀念的昔日时光已经一去不复返了。I was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood.我内心充满着对早年纯真的童年时光的怀念People always cherish the memory of the national hero.人们永远怀念这位民族英雄。People look back nostalgically on the war period, simply because everyone pulled together.人们怀念战争时期,就因为那时大家都齐心协力。She felt great nostalgia for the old way of life.她很怀念以前的生活方式。He missed the excitement of working with so many intelligent people.他很怀念和那么多有才智的人一起工作的时候,那种感觉让人兴奋。Anne will be sadly missed by all who knew her.所有认识安妮的人都会非常怀念她的。He remained nostalgic about his days as a young actor.他仍旧怀念年轻时当演员的岁月。Let's go back to Brighton, for old times' sake.怀念昔日的时光,让我们回布赖顿吧。I miss the old neighborhood.怀念以前的街坊邻居。She missed the bright lights of London.怀念伦敦五光十色的生活。To put grief away is disloyal to the memory of the departed.忘却悲痛有悖于对亡者的怀念She was starting to miss the familiar comforts of her home in Massachusetts.她开始怀念马萨诸塞州的家里那些用惯了的使生活轻松适意的东西。I miss being home at Christmas. 怀念在家过圣诞节。He missed seeing his friends.怀念和朋友见面的时光。She remembered her dead brother without morbidity.怀念死去的兄弟,但并不沉迷其中。A lot of adults feel nostalgic about their childhood.很多成年人怀念他们的童年时代。He'll be missed by his many friends.他的很多朋友都会怀念他的。Elaine missed the gaieties of life in Paris.伊莱恩很怀念巴黎生活的那些赏心乐事。She said she liked Moscow, but felt homesick for Prague.她说她喜欢莫斯科,但也怀念布拉格。I miss the familiarity of home.怀念家中的那种亲切感。Miranda felt a wistful longing for the old days.米兰达非常怀念昔日时光。




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