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词汇 strapped
例句 We strapped our snowshoes on.我们系好雪地鞋。Suitcases were strapped down atop the coach.手提箱被捆扎在长途汽车车顶上。If you are seriously strapped for cash, I'm sure Robert could give you a job.如果你很缺钱,我想罗伯特一定会给你一份工作。He closed and strapped down the lid of the basket.他盖上篮子盖并用带子绑紧。My husband and I are really strapped for cash.我和丈夫真的手头很紧。After a massive heart attack, he was strapped to a bed, with tubes in every orifice.一次严重的心脏病发作之后,他被缚在一张床上,全身插满了导管。He strapped a bag onto his back.他把一只包捆在背上。The bombs were strapped to their chests.炸弹绑在他们的胸前。The pilot strapped himself into his harness before takeoff.飞行员在起飞前系好了安全带。I was getting a bit strapped for cash.我当时手头有点儿紧。He sheathed the knife and strapped it to his shin.他将刀插入鞘中,绑在小腿上。Are the kids strapped into their car seats?给孩子们系好坐椅安全带了吗?He injured himself playing football and his arm was strapped up.他踢足球弄伤了自己,胳膊打了绷带。We sold the restaurant when we were strapped for cash a few years ago.前几年我们手头紧,就把餐厅卖了。A small child should be strapped into a special car seat.幼童应该坐在特殊的汽车座椅里并扣好安全带。The pilot strapped into his seat.飞行员坐进了自己的座椅并系好皮带。She made sure that both children were strapped in.她确保两个孩子都系好了安全带。She strapped herself into her seat.她系好座椅上的安全带。He strapped the driver with a leather belt.他用皮带抽打司机。She strapped the gun belt around her middle.她将枪带系在腰上。I'm warning you, we're really strapped for cash right now.我提醒你一下,眼下我们手头确实很紧。The company is financially strapped and is expected to file for bankruptcy.这家公司资金短缺,预计会申请破产。His money belt was securely strapped around his waist.他把腰包安全地绑在腰上。Make sure that the child is strapped tightly into the seat.一定要把孩子紧紧地拴在座位上。He strapped the boy with a leather belt.他用皮带抽打那个男孩。Another countermeasure has been selling to cash-strapped customers on credit.另一条对策是对那些现金吃紧的客户进行赊销。She strapped the children in and drove away.她给孩子系好安全带,然后开车走了。You'll have to keep your leg strapped up until the wound is completely better.你一定要把你的腿包扎起来直至伤口完全好转。His broken leg will be strapped up for a long time.他受伤的腿需要打很长一段时间的绷带。He isn't properly strapped in.他没有系好安全带。I can't go out tonight. I'm strapped for cash.我今晚不能出去了。我手头有点紧。They lowered him gradually into the cockpit. Somehow they squeezed him in the tight space, and strapped him in.他们将他慢慢向下放入驾驶舱,设法将他塞进了狭小的空间,并给他系好安全带。The physician strapped up her leg, and warned that it would take weeks to heal.医生用绷带把她的腿包扎好,告诫她这要过几周才能好。Union leaders say the wage package is the best they believe the cash-strapped government will offer.工会领导人说,财政困难的政府能答应的充其量是一揽子工资方案。Make sure you are strapped in very well, or else you will fall out.一定要系好安全带,否则会摔出去。He strapped his gun belt on.他系上了枪带。Can you lend me ten dollars? I'm a little strapped for cash.你能借给我十美元吗? 我手头有点儿紧。Are you kids strapped in back there?孩子们,你们在后面系好安全带了吗?He was only ten when he strapped on a guitar for the first time.他第一次背上吉他时才十岁。Make sure you are strapped in well, or else you might fall out.一定要系好安全带,否则会摔出去。




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