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词汇 别提
例句 It's supposed to be a big surprise, so don't breathe a word.这应该是一个大惊喜,因此只字别提这件事。Don't mention what happened – you'll only set her off again.别提发生的事了 — 你这样只会让她又哭起来。Her husband is kind, helpful, and as handsome as they come.她丈夫又和善又肯帮忙,而且别提有多英俊了。Don't mention her divorce – it's a bit of a sore point.别提她离婚的事,这是个让她伤心的话题。Stop your questions, and give me a chance to breathe.别提问题了,给我个机会歇口气。Don't breathe a word of it to him.对他只字别提这事。It was the worst week of my life. It was ghastly.这是我这辈子最倒霉的一周,别提有多烦了。Don't mention the war-it's political dynamite.别提那场战争 - 那是政治炸药。Let's have none of your silly excuses.别提你那些愚蠢的借口了。Don't mention her hairstyle. She'll probably take offence.别提她的发型,她可能会生气的。Let's just forget about that business of me being unhappy with my job.咱们还是别提我对工作不满这事了。I can't control my eating. It's hard when people don't understand and call you a glutton.我无法克制自己的食欲,当人们不理解而叫我贪吃鬼的时候心里别提有多难受了。




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