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I suspected that his motives for helping us were questionable.我怀疑他帮助我们是别有用心的。He says that he is doing this to help me, but I suspect an ulterior motive.他说他这样做是为了帮助我,但我怀疑他别有用心。It was difficult to accept that she had no ulterior motives. Why would she want to see the office records?很难说她不是别有用心。她为什么想看公司的档案?She was suspicious. Was there an ulterior motive behind his request?她心存疑虑:他的请求是否别有用心?You're so suspicious. Whenever I buy you a present, you think I have ulterior motives.你这么多疑。每次我给你买礼物,你都觉得我别有用心。I think she has an ulterior motive for helping us. 我认为她帮助我们是别有用心。He had a political ax to grind with his opponent.他在政治上对自己的对手别有用心。 |