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词汇 step
例句 You shan't stir a step, or I'll shoot.你一步也不许动,要不我就开枪了。A little girl was sitting on the step of the end house.一个小女孩正坐在最顶头那幢房子门前的平台上。The melody moves up/down a step.旋律上升/下降了一个音级。Don't worry, we'll take things one step at a time.不要担心,我们会逐步进行的。Would you like to step inside for a few minutes?请你进来一会儿好吗?He lives a good step down the road.他的住处沿着大路过去有相当距离。I step lightly, with childlike excitement.我迈着轻快的步子,像孩子一般兴奋。The first step in treating hyperhidrosis is to determine whether there is an underlying condition causing the excessive sweating.治疗多汗症的第一步是确定是什么原因造成多汗。The basic waltz step is not so hard.华尔兹基本舞步并不是很难。She took a hesitant step back from the door.她到了门口,又犹犹豫豫地后退了一步。The Prime Minister has been criticized for being out of step with the British people.首相因为与英国人民的思想不一致而受到批评。By cutting expenditure on health care, I feel we are taking a backward step to the bad old days.我觉得削减医疗保健开支是一种倒退,会使我们回复到以前那种糟糕的状态。Acceptance of the offer is the first step to a merger.对这项提议的赞同是合并的第一步。Accepting the job would be a step backwards for me.对我而言,接受那份工作会是一种退步。I tried to step back.我试图向后退。She checked her makeup one last time, and then walked out with a spring in her step.她最后检查了一下妆容,然后步履轻盈地走了出去。Don't step in the puddle.别踩到水坑里。I feel it is in everyone's best interest if I step aside now.我觉得我现在退下来符合每个人的最大利益。She's out of step with current fashion.她和当前的时尚格格不入。Fortunately, the next step in the research process supplied the missing piece of the puzzle.幸运的是,研究进程中的下一步提供了谜团中所缺失的那一部分。Step-by-step instructions for assembling the workbench are included.包含了装配工作台的分步操作指示。Their first step in to serve you with a writ for nonpayment of debt, and then you are forced to go to law.他们第一步是传你到庭,指控你欠债不还,这样你就被迫去打官司了。Taking one step left, he fell to the ground.他向左一跨,便跌倒在地上。You need to step up the pace of your exercises.你应该加快训练速度。There is bounce in his step.他的脚步很有劲儿。Leave empty milk bottles on the step.将空奶瓶放在门阶上。Each logical step has been checked by other mathematicians.每一逻辑步骤都被其他数学家验证过了。Some sites offer step-by-step tutorials.有些网站提供渐进的教程。We could carry that one step further by taking the same genes and putting them into another crop.我们可以再进一步,把相同的基因取出来植入另一种作物。Each book goes up one step in difficulty.每册书都在难度上加深了一级。I had to step outside for a breath of fresh air.我得走出去呼吸一下新鲜空气。Your first step should be to talk to a teacher or school counselor.你第一步应该是去找老师或学校辅导员谈谈。Be so good as to step this way.请这边走。It was necessary to step back from the project and look at it as a whole.有必要退一步,全面地审视一下该项目。He tripped on the bottom step.他在最下面一级台阶上绊了一跤。Today's hearing was just the first step in the legislative process.今天的听证会只是展开立法程序的第一步。This is the first step in helping someone to help themself.这是帮助某人自立的第一步。I am going to step up to play at the top table.我马上就要跻身于领导阶层。The international community must step in to help rebuild the country.国际社会必须介入,帮助重建这个国家。The first step in empowering the poorest sections of society is making sure they vote.帮助社会最贫困阶层掌握自己命运的第一步就是要确保他们能够参加投票。




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