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词汇 stand still
例句 The earth would stand still if you won Tyler this time.这次你要是能赢了泰勒,我看地球都会停止不转了。The photographer asked all the guests to stand still and pose for the wedding photograph.摄影师请所有的宾客站着不动,摆好姿势拍婚礼照。Confident in its camouflage, being the same colour as the rocks, the lizard stands still when it feels danger.由于和岩石颜色一样,蜥蜴对自己的保护色充满信心;遇到危险时,它便一动不动。Time seemed to stand still.时间似乎停滞了。They told me to stand still and not to turn round.他们叫我站着不动,不要转身。The police burst in and told everyone to stand still.警察突然闯进来,要大家站着别动。I won't stand still for your threats.我不会容忍你的威胁。




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