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词汇 wheel
例句 Ray continued to wrestle with the wheel.雷一直使劲扳方向盘。The car's wheel grazed the curb.车轮蹭到了马路牙子。America might sell more cars to the islands if they were made with the steering wheel on the right.如果制造的汽车方向盘是装在右边的,美国可能会在这些岛屿卖出更多的汽车。The bus set off again with a fresh driver at the wheel.公共汽车又出发了,由另一名司机驾驶。Seymour was glad to be behind the wheel again after his two-year ban.两年的禁驶令解除后,西穆很高兴又能重握方向盘。I saw the car drive past, but didn't recognize the woman behind the wheel.我看见汽车开过去了,却没有认出开车的女子。Spin the wheel with your hand.用手转动一下轮子。It's an ill-conceived attempt to re-invent the wheel.尝试重新发明轮子是考虑欠周的。With three swift turns of the wheel, he steered the boat away from the rocks.他快速地把舵轮转动了三圈,把船驶离了礁石。If a wheel is not true, it will shake, or have, what is called, backlash.轮子如果装得不准就会抖动,即发生所谓的游移。The grinding wheel sent a shower of sparks across the workbench.砂轮迸出的火花直落到工作台的另一端。The car crashed when the wheel flew off.当车轮突然脱开时,汽车撞毁了。The wheel can now spin freely.轮子现在可以顺畅地转动了。He became a big wheel in the East India Company.他成了东印度公司的要人。I failed my driving test because I didn't keep both hands on the steering wheel.我驾照考试没有通过,因为我没有始终用双手握方向盘。The wheel is designed with obstacles in the ball's path to randomise its movement.设计轮盘时在小球的行进路线上设置了障碍,以使其运动随机化。The driver was slumped over the wheel.司机一头栽在方向盘上。I hope we're not going to find a wheel clamp on my car when we get back.希望我们回来时不会在车上发现一个车轮固定夹。She locked her hands around the steering wheel.她双手紧握方向盘。The car has front-wheel/rear-wheel drive.这辆车由前轮/后轮驱动。The offside rear wheel needs replacing.右后轮需要更换了。I got my bag caught in the wheel of my bicycle.我的书包被绞进了自行车车轮里。The headstrong recklessness of youth may be fine in some areas, but not behind the wheel of a car.年轻人在一些方面任性鲁莽一点也许没什么大不了,但是在驾车时可不行。He drove, gloved hands on the wheel.他开着车,戴手套的双手握着方向盘。Tibetan monks use a prayer wheel.西藏僧侣使用转经筒。McKinnon gave the wheel another slight nudge.麦金农又轻轻地推了一下轮子。Although the car was stationary, his hands were still gripping the wheel.尽管车已经停了,但他的双手还是紧紧握着方向盘。The front wheel may be found without dish.前轮可能没有凹面。Maggie tapped impatiently on the steering wheel and inched slowly forward.麦琪不耐烦地敲打着方向盘,缓慢地向前移动。The wheel has turned full circle, and we are back where we began.我们兜兜转转,又回到了原地。Peter is nothing but a fly on the wheel.彼特不过是个妄自尊大的人而已。There's too much play in the car's steering wheel.车的方向盘太松了。The Ferris wheel is my favorite ride.摩天轮是我最爱坐的游乐设施。He drove straight through the storm, never loosening his death grip on the steering wheel.他驾车径直冲进暴风雨中,双手死死握住方向盘。He downshifted and turned the steering wheel.他换到低速挡,转动方向盘。I rolled the wheel along the side of the road back to the car.我沿路边把车轮滚回到汽车旁。The vessels were potted on a wheel.用陶轮给器皿塑形。She settled herself behind the wheel and pulled the car out of the driveway.她舒舒服服地坐到驾驶位上,把车开出了私家车道。Hire a four-wheel-drive vehicle-there are lots of spots to discover off the beaten track.租一辆四轮驱动的车子吧,在偏僻的地方还有许多景点等待去发现呢。He put a spoke in our wheel.他破坏了我们的计划。




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