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词汇 wheat
例句 If he eats anything with wheat in it he's very sick.他吃任何含有小麦的食物,都会很不舒服。I am sensitive to wheat. 我一吃小麦就不舒服。Surplus wheat is put in storage and shipped abroad.剩余的小麦被储存起来运到海外。The red spores of the parasite victimize winter wheat.寄生红孢会毁掉冬小麦。The first round of interviews really separates the wheat from the chaff.第一轮面试确实分出了优劣。Fluky weather conditions will set back the progress of a newly introduced strain of wheat.变化多端的天气情况会有碍新引进品种小麦的生长。The main crop is wheat and this is grown even on the very steep slopes.主要作物是小麦,就连很陡的坡地都种上了小麦。In the US, winter wheat is harvested in the early summer.在美国,冬小麦一般在初夏收割。It's not advisable to plant wheat in the same field for more than two years in succession.同一块土地上不宜连续种植小麦超过两年。The wheat is genetically engineered to repel insects.对小麦进行了基因培植以抵御害虫。Farmers in this area grow mainly wheat.这地区的农民主要种植小麦。Nowadays most farmers use a machine to thresh their wheat.现在大多数农民使用机器来打麦。This year's wheat crop will set a new record.今年小麦收成将创新纪录。The aphid is now laying waste to the wheat and barley fields.蚜虫正在毁掉一片片的小麦和大麦田地。The farmer sowed the field with wheat.农夫在地里播上小麦种子。Winter wheat is planted in the autumn and harvested in early summer.冬麦是秋天播种初夏收割。It is time to harvest the wheat.收割小麦的季节到了。There was a record wheat crop last year.去年小麦收成创最高记录。These huge stones were once used for grinding wheat into flour.这些大石头以前是用来碾磨面粉的。Gluten is a protein found in wheat and other grains.面筋是小麦和其他谷物含有的一种蛋白质。Canada produces wheat and furs.加拿大出产小麦和皮毛。In his writings there is more chaff than wheat.他的著作中糟粕多于精华。Drought dims hopes for a bumper wheat crop.干旱使小麦丰收的希望变得渺茫。We looked at the fields of ripening wheat and barley.我们看了看地里那些快要成熟的小麦和大麦。We soon saw a field of wheat undulating in the breeze.我们很快看到一片在微风中起伏的麦田。Brown bread contains the husk of wheat.黑面包含有麸皮。My job is to sort the wheat from the chaff so as to make life easier for the adjudicators.我的工作是理出有用的信息,使审判官的工作更轻松。They have been bartering wheat for cotton and timber.他们一直用小麦交换棉花和木材。We drove past fields of ripening wheat.我们驱车经过快要成熟的麦田。The President rolled back price increases on wheat and oil.总统把上涨的小麦和石油价格压低到原来的水平。The price of wheat was quartered in a year.小麦的价格在一年中下降到原来的四分之一。Farmers have agreed to cut back wheat production.农民们已同意削减小麦的产量。Our yield of wheat increased this year.我们的小麦今年增产了。The farm yielded the largest wheat harvest in its history last year.去年这个农场的小麦获得了建场以来最大的丰产。Today the family raises beans and wheat.现在,这家人种植豆子和小麦。Most of the world's wheat is grown in the North Temperate zone.世界上大部分小麦种植在北温带。Aid officials said that the first emergency food rations of wheat and oil were handed out here last month.救助官员说第一批紧急援助的小麦和食用油是上月发放到这里的。World stocks of wheat were getting very low.全球小麦储备严重不足。They had been forced to uproot their vines and plant wheat.他们不得不将葡萄藤连根拔除,改种小麦。This new strain of wheat does not tend to lodge in rainy season.这一小麦新品种在雨季不易倒伏。




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