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词汇 stand aside
例句 The premier remains under intense pressure to stand aside.总理仍然面临下台的巨大压力。The trade secretary has been asked to stand aside in favour of her deputy.商会秘书被要求把位置让给她的副手。Please stand aside, you are throwing your shadow over my work.请你站开,你的身影遮住了光线,我没法工作。No man could stand aside in such a condition.在这种情况下,不会有人袖手旁观的。The world can no longer stand aside and allow this threat to grow.全世界不能再袖手旁观,任由这样的威胁发展下去。How can you stand aside and see the child badly treated?看着孩子受虐待你怎么能无动于衷呢? He has a duty to stand aside from party political campaigning.他的职位要求他不介入党派政治竞选活动。Please stand aside and let me pass.请让开,让我过去。I'm not going to stand aside and watch you ruin your life.我不会袖手旁观,看着你毁掉自己的生活。The key question was whether they would stand aside or would disrupt the elections.关键问题是他们会袖手旁观还是会扰乱选举。He never stands aside when there's something that needs doing.有事情需要做时,他从来不袖手旁观。The President said he was willing to stand aside if that would stop the killing.总统说,如果他下台能让杀戮停止的话,他愿意这样做。You can't just stand aside and watch your colleagues being treated like that!你不能看着你的同事受到那样的对待而袖手旁观!




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