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词汇 facility
例句 Every facility was laid on to ease their homecoming.动用了一切设施以缓解他们的回乡之困。You can use the search facility to call up all the occurrences of a particular word in a document.你能利用查询功能调出某个特定的词在文件中出现的情况。He and Marcia shared a facility for languages.他和马西娅都有语言天分。Your camcorder should have these basic features: autofocus, playback facility, zoom lens.你的便携式摄像机应该具备以下基本功能:自动聚焦、回放功能、变焦镜头。The company provides facility management and base operations support for the army.这家公司为军方提供设备管理及基地运营支持。The camera incorporates a redeye reduction facility.这个相机有防红眼功能。He works at the company's manufacturing facility in Texas.他在公司位于得克萨斯州的制造区工作。The theme park is the region's most popular tourist facility.主题公园是这个地区最受欢迎的旅游场所。A quick look round the research and development facility in Versailles revealed a number of interesting software projects afoot.看一眼凡尔赛的研发机构就会发现,一些有趣的软件项目正在酝酿中。Building a new children's home will cost a lot of money but, be that as it may, there is an urgent need for the facility.建一所新的儿童之家要花很多钱,但即便如此也一定要建。The facility was built especially for research.这个设施是专为研究而建造的。He has a facility for languages.他有学习语言的天赋。The device has a facility for storing any sound you like.这个装置有一个功能,可以保存你喜欢的任何声音。This is a town that has changed with the times and now provides every vacation facility you could wish for.这个镇已经跟上了时代步伐,现在它提供的度假设施真是应有尽有。She has an amazing facility for languages.她有惊人的语言才能。The injured child was rushed to a medical facility. 受伤的孩子被紧急送往医院。We offer staff the facility to shop in our stores outside normal trading hours.我们为全体员工提供正常营业时间以外在本店购物的方便。Language in the abstract is our facility to talk to each other.抽象意义上的语言就是指人们交谈的能力。He was hired to oversee design and construction of the new facility.他受雇监管新设施的设计与建造。This facility is open to both new and existing borrowers.该设备对新老借用者都开放。Practice gives a wonderful facility.娴熟的技巧来自实践。The facility will continue the process of turning uranium ore into gas.这个设备会持续地将铀矿石转化成气体。It has no manual focus facility.它没有手动调焦功能。The problem lies in getting patients to a medical facility as soon as possible.问题在于如何尽快把病人送到医院。It is very useful to have an overdraft facility.有透支服务用处很大。He played with great facility.他表现出很高的天分。Language is our facility to talk to each other.语言是人们交谈的工具。This system has an electronic-mail facility.这个系统有电子邮件功能。Gas stoves can be used with greater facility than the old coal-burners.煤气炉使用起来比老式煤炉方便。He has great facility in learning languages.他很有学习语言的才能。The old facility is now used for storage of dry products.这座旧厂房现在用来存放干燥的产品。She showed an amazing facility for mind-reading.她表现出能看透他人心思的惊人天赋。Do you have an overdraft facility at your bank?你们银行有透支服务吗?She trains with the team at their practice facility.她和球队在练习场地上训练。One of the new models has the facility to reproduce speech as well as text.新型号中有一款具备复读和文本复制的功能。A doctor visited the facility and found deplorable conditions.一位医生参观了该场所,发现条件很糟糕。He had a great facility for writing.他写作能力很强。We offer the facility to pay in instalments.我们提供分期付款的便利条件。Smell is a very basic sense but humans have lost much of the facility to use it properly.嗅觉是一种非常基本的官能,但人类已经丧失了恰当使用这种官能的大部分能力。We are withdrawing from some staff the facility to self-certify sickness absence.我们将取消允许一些职员病假自证的做法。




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