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词汇 facilities
例句 The government will introduce accelerated tax deduction for environment-friendly facilities in an effort to encourage the business community to use them.为鼓励商界使用环保设施,政府将为该些设施提供加快的税务扣除。Activists want the government to invest in low-impact eco-tourist facilities.环保积极分子希望政府投资对环境影响不大的生态旅游设施。New facilities include a pool and a running track.新设施包括一个游泳池和一条跑道。The retrofit program will be carried out at the Montreal facilities.蒙特利尔将要开展市政设施的翻新改良工程。The management says that it will take on board suggestions from employees about child-care facilities.资方说他们会考虑雇员提出的有关儿童保育设施的建议。They have excellent sports facilities.他们拥有很好的体育设施。Childcare facilities in Britain compare unfavourably with other European countries.英国的保育设施与欧洲其他国家比起来相形见绌。We have personnel and facilities for any emergencies.我们有应对任何突发事件的人员和设施。Our experience in developing custodial facilities goes back over a decade.我们开发监禁设施已经有十多年的经验。The price of villas varies considerably, according to their facilities and their nearness to the sea.别墅的价格相差很大,要视乎设施和离海边的距离而定。What matters for most scientists is money and facilities.对多数科学家来说,资金和设备是至关重要的。We might as well make use of the hotel's facilities.我们倒不如利用旅馆的设施。Refreshment facilities for long-distance bus passengers are virtually nil.几乎没有给长途汽车乘客休息的设施。Grill your travel agent about the facilities for families with children.关于给带小孩家庭提供的设施,要向旅行社代理问清楚。The facilities offer only minimal supervision for young offenders.这些设施对年轻罪犯实行最低限度的监督。The report warns that there are no backup facilities if the reprocessing plant breaks down.报告警告说如果后处理工厂垮掉,就没有备用设施了。The tennis club has good facilities, but it's terribly cliquey.这个网球俱乐部设施很好,但是太排外了。This place is the tops for outstanding facilities.这个地方的设施是最好的。They remain the main providers of sports facilities.他们仍然是体育设施的主要提供商。Most major Japanese and international corporations operating in Japan have data back-up facilities.大多数的日本网络公司或者位于日本的网络公司都拥有数据备份设备。Local authorities are likely to refuse to hire facilities to unrecognised martial arts organisations.当地的主管机构可能会拒绝向非官方的武术组织出租设备。The American team seemed to have all the advantages - better training, better facilities, and much better financial support.美国队似乎占尽优势—训练好、设施好,得到的赞助更是多出许多。The bank provides personal loan facilities at competitive rates.这家银行以极有竞争力的价格提供个人信贷服务。The quality of the facilities must be set off against the cost of using them.设施的质量必须和使用成本进行比较。There are no facilities for spectators at the pool.那座泳池没有看台。Water and electric hook-ups are available and facilities are good.水和电都可以接通,设施也很不错。Symbols are used to indicate the facilities available at each hotel.使用符号来表示每家酒店可提供的各类设施。The lack of facilities in the town may deter the casual visitor.小镇上设施不全可能使那些碰巧来访的游客望而却步。The local provision of facilities is slightly patchy.当地提供的设施有点儿不充分。Sanitary facilities varied widely from region to region.各地的卫生设施差别极大。The school has spared no effort on facilities or staff.学校在充实设备或人员方面不遗余力。The city council is working in partnership with local businesses to build new sports facilities in the area.市议会正在与地方企业合作,在本区建造新的体育设施。The island offers a wide range of offshore banking facilities.这座岛上有各种离岸金融机构。Members and their guests are welcome to use the club's facilities at no extra charge.请会员及他们的客人随意使用俱乐部的设施,不需另外付费。In a perfect world, there would be the facilities and money to treat every sick person.在一个完美的世界里,会有治疗每一位病人的设备和金钱。The hotel was in a lovely location, but the facilities were only so-so.这家旅馆所处的位置非常好,但设施只是一般。Students at the Belfast campus have access to excellent sports facilities.在贝尔法斯特校园的学生可以使用一流的体育设施。I thought I'd take advantage of the sports facilities while I'm here.我想趁我在这儿期间,要好好利用一下这里的体育设施。The home is within easy access of shops and other facilities.房子距离商店及其他设施很近。The city's many cultural and sports facilities offer ample recreation.这座城市的许多文体设施提供了充分的娱乐活动。




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