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词汇 standards
例句 The play was judged to offend against standards of public taste and decency.这出戏被认为不符合公众的品味及雅俗标准。These standards represent expert consensus on generally accepted social scientific standards for research on child development.这些标准反映了专家们就关于儿童发展研究普遍得到认可的社会科学标准所达成的共识。Their safety standards seem to be pretty low.他们的安全标准似乎相当低。My father has always had high moral standards.我父亲一直具有很高的道德准则。My grandparents are always complaining about falling moral standards.我的祖父母总是抱怨世风日下。The region enjoys the highest living standards in Asia.该地区的生活水平为全亚洲最高。The board set tough academic standards for graduation.委员会为毕业生设定了严格的学术标准。The association only accredits programs that meet its high standards.这个协会只认可达到其高标准的课程。Her performance wasn't up to her usual standards. 她的表演没有达到她平常的水平。Critics maintain that these reforms will lead to a decline in educational standards.批评者坚称这些改革会导致教育水平下降。Government penny-pinching is blamed for the decline in food standards.政府吝啬被指责是食品标准下降的原因。It is a matter of honour to keep our standards as high as possible.竭尽所能保持高水准是关系到我们声誉的事情。The houses need to be brought up to modern standards.房屋需要提高到现代标准。The teacher sets definite standards for her students.老师为学生们制定了明确的标准。Each generation seems to loosen the established standards of behavior.每一代人似乎都对既定的行为准则有所放宽。He set himself ferociously tough standards.他给自己定下了极为苛刻的标准。Judged by any objective standards, the campaign was a disaster.不论从哪个客观标准看,这次活动都是一场灾难。The college is raising its standards for admission.这所大学的招生标准在提高。The standards of service are impeccable.服务水准无可挑剔。It's not just that a gulf exists in living standards — there's a psychological ravine.不仅仅是生活水平上存在巨大差异,心理上也有鸿沟。Regular inspections ensure that high safety standards are maintained.定期检查可确保维持较高的安全标准。Certain standards must be adhered to by all members.某些标准所有成员都必须遵守。We must halt this decline in standards.我们一定要阻止水准的下滑。To summarize, in most cases the schools were achieving the standards set.总的说来,在大多数情况下这些学校都达到了所定的标准。After the violence on the field, the manager lectured the team about acceptable standards of behaviour.运动场上发生暴力事件后,领队告诫全体球员什么才是可接受的行为标准。There have been allegations from survivors that safety standards had been lax.有幸存者称安全标准不严格。Reducing the size of classes may improve educational standards.缩小班级规模或许会提高教学水平。In many cases living standards are declining.在许多方面生活水平正在下降。Qualified staff are leaving and standards are declining.称职的员工不断离去,质量标准持续下降。Teachers were not striking for higher pay, but for higher standards in education.教师举行罢工不是为了提高薪水,而是为了提高教育质量。Changing the law cannot raise standards.修改法律并不能提高道德标准。Hart clearly played a role in the decision to change admission standards.哈特显然有参与修改入学标准的决定。The commission has voted to relax industry regulations/restrictions/standards.委员会投票决定放宽行业规定/限制/标准。The government's economic policies have further depressed living standards.政府的经济政策愈加降低了人们的生活水平。Mart Kenney was a perfectionist, and his high standards were an example to everyone else.马特·肯尼是个完美主义者,他的高标准对其他人起到典范作用。Poor standards of hygiene mean that the disease spreads fast.糟糕的卫生状况意味着疾病会快速传播。New York has adopted new stricter emission standards for cars.纽约对汽车执行了更严格的新排放标准。The conditions are primitive by any standards.无论用什么标准来衡量,其条件都很简陋。By modern standards, the treatment of prisoners was grotesque.按照现代标准来看,这样对待囚犯很荒唐。What right has one country to dictate the environmental standards of another?.一个国家有什么权力强行给另一个国家制定环境标准?




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