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词汇 springs
例句 The children have jumped on the couch so much that they've ruined the springs.孩子们老是在沙发上跳来跳去的,把弹簧都弄坏了。The rope stretches and springs back into shape. 绳子拉长后又弹回原状。The bed-springs creaked.床垫的弹簧嘎吱作响。Lubricate the hinges and springs.给铰链和弹簧上润滑油。Most of the springs have gone in the sofa.沙发的大部分弹簧都坏掉了。Hope springs eternal in the human breast.人的内心总是存有希望。It's the padding and type of springs used that give a mattress its softness.是所用的垫料和弹簧使得床垫有柔软的感觉。If man is to integrate himself, he must discover his springs of action.人欲善其身,必先省其心。The children broke some springs jumping on the bed.孩子们在床上跳时弄断了一些弹簧。His need to be liked obviously springs from a deep-rooted insecurity.他渴望别人喜欢他,这显然源于一种根深蒂固的不安全感。I'm sure someone can help you, but no one immediately springs to mind.我相信一定有人能帮到你,但一时又想不起来有谁。Iceland is full of hot springs and other natural wonders.冰岛遍布温泉和其他自然奇观。The bed's springs are digging into my back.床的弹簧戳着我的背了。Take care when you open the van door, sometimes it springs open suddenly.开车门时要小心,有时候它会突然弹开。The springs on the bed twanged.床上的弹簧嘣嘣响。Ethiopia's art springs from her early Christian as well as her Muslim heritage.埃塞俄比亚艺术起源于其早期的基督教传统和伊斯兰教传统。It had a saddle with springs sticking out, which wore away the seat of my pants.鞍座上的弹簧翘出来,把我裤子臀部那块磨破了。Say the word "Australia" and a vision of beaches and blue seas immediately springs to mind.一提起“澳大利亚”几个字,脑海中立刻呈现出沙滩和蔚蓝的大海。The mattress is old and some of the springs are broken.这个床垫旧了,有些弹簧都坏了。Cheaper mattresses have springs that link together.更便宜的床垫里面是连在一起的弹簧。The public baths are fed by natural springs.公共浴池的水由天然泉水供应。This rubber ball is very resilient and immediately springs back into shape.这种橡胶球很有弹性,可以立即恢复原来的形状。The bed-springs creaked.床垫弹簧嘎吱嘎吱响。Unfortunately, as a standard mattress wears, the springs soften and so do not support your spine.遗憾的是,普通床垫用旧后,弹簧就会变软,无法支撑人的脊椎。The beam springs away from the pillar.横梁呈拱形架在柱子上。The park is full of hot water springs and bubbling mud pools.公园里满是温泉和冒泡的泥浆潭。To the north are the hot springs of Banyas de Sant Loan.北边是班亚斯德桑隆温泉。Volcanic activity has created thermal springs and boiling mud pools.火山活动产生了温泉和沸腾的泥浆池。Water is pumped up from springs, and jealously hoarded.水从泉里抽上来并被小心地贮存。The city is celebrated for its hot springs.这个城市以温泉闻名。Mattresses consist of springs sandwiched between padding.床垫由垫子中间夹弹簧制成。A steeple springs high above the town.教堂的尖塔耸立于该镇上空。We hiked to the hot springs.我们徒步来到了温泉。The immune system springs into action to mount a response against the virus.免疫系统突然开始发挥抵抗病毒的作用。




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