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词汇 heroic
例句 The heroic resistance is really a living epic.这种英勇抵抗确实可算是活的史诗题材。His modest wartime exploits have been inflated to heroic proportions.他在战争期间的功绩平平,却被吹捧到大智大勇的程度。A heroic display by the goalkeeper saved the home side from disaster.守门员的神勇表现将主队从灾难中拯救出来。His heroic feats made him a legend in his own time.他的英雄业绩使他成了他那个时代的传奇人物。The lifeguard performed a heroic rescue.救生员进行了英勇的救援。The book portrays him as a heroic frontiersman of the Wild West.这本书把他描绘成一位英勇的西部蛮荒开拓者。The heroic sergeant risked his life to rescue the fishermen.英勇的中士冒着生命危险救那些渔夫。There they made their tragic and heroic last stand against the Roman legions.他们在那里对罗马军团进行了最后的抵抗,场面英勇而悲壮。Despite Roz's heroic efforts to liven it up, the party was a disaster.尽管罗兹费了很大力气来活跃气氛,这次聚会还是很糟。His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India.他的英雄壮举在印度各地广为传颂。Despite heroic efforts to save the business, it ultimately went bankrupt.尽管为挽救公司付出了巨大努力,但它最终还是破产了。Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty.许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲。The soldiers received medals for their heroic actions.这些战士因英勇奋战而获得勋章。Our defending was heroic.我们的防守相当拼命。He finally faltered in the last game of a heroic match.他在这场艰苦比赛的最后一局中踉跄结束。We were all uplifted by their heroic example.我们所有人都受到了他们英雄榜样的鼓舞。The company has made heroic efforts at cost reduction.公司在降低成本方面付出了艰苦卓绝的努力。It was a heroic effort on his part.这是他做出的英勇行为。England's World Cup adventure ended in heroic failure last night when they were beaten on penalties by Argentina.在昨晚的点球大战中被阿根廷队击败后,英格兰队的世界杯之旅虽败犹荣,画上了句点。News of their heroic deeds spread far and wide.有关他们的英雄事迹的报道广为流传。His heroic actions typified the courage of all the firefighters at the scene.他的英勇行为代表了现场所有消防队员的英雄气概。He grew up reading the tales and legends of heroic deeds.他是读着英雄传说和事迹长大的。He began to tell of the fighters' heroic exploits.他开始讲述战士们的英雄事迹。That's a heroic statue.那是个大于真人的雕像。Although the nationalists put up heroic resistance, the revolt was crushed in three days.尽管民族主义者奋勇抵抗,但起义仍在三天内被镇压下去。Their dogged single-mindedness is almost heroic.他们不屈不挠专心致志的劲头简直是一种壮举。These doctors perform heroic work in difficult conditions.这些医生在困难的条件下勇敢地工作着。Don't try to do anything heroic.不要想着做任何逞英雄的事。If she could not succeed, she would at least be a heroic failure.即使不能成功,她至少也是一位有勇气的失败者。Their heroic exploits will go down in history.他们的英雄业绩将被载入史册。It was heroic of those women to fight for the right to vote.那些争取选举权的妇女是非常勇敢的。He received a medal for his heroic feat.他获得了一枚见义勇为奖章。




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