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词汇 heroics
例句 America's present need is not heroics, but calm diplomacy.美国当前需要的不是逞英雄,而是冷静的外交。Despite his heroics on the football field, he has had a troubled life.尽管在绿茵场上所向披靡,他在生活上却历尽艰辛。England need heroics from the captain now.英格兰队此刻需要队长采取英勇果断的行为。We need to be cautious now. This is no time for heroics.现在我们需要谨慎,这不是逞能的时候。I was in no mood for heroics after my fall and skied very slowly down the mountainside.我摔倒之后再也没有心情逞英雄,而是慢慢滑雪下了山坡。Cut it out, Perry. You've performed your heroics. It's all over now.住手吧,佩里。你已经逞过英雄了。现在一切都结束了。




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