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词汇 heroine
例句 When the hero proclaimed his love for the heroine at the end of the play, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.男主角在剧终向女主角示爱时,在场的观众无不为之动容。The novel features a feisty heroine.这部小说主要描写一位好斗的女主人公。By the story's end, the heroine finds herself in the hero's arms, and all ends well.故事结尾时,女主角发现自己倚在男主角的胳膊里,欢喜收场。The sexy heroine (wait until you get a load of her outfit) soon arrives.性感女主角(你可以等着看她那身衣服)很快就来了。She plays the part of a hapless heroine caught in a predicament.她扮演的角色是一个陷于困境的不幸女主角。The town remembered her as the heroine of the flood and erected a statue in her honor.这个小镇的人民纪念她是抗洪女英雄,为她竖立了一尊雕像。There are some good bits near the end of the story: one is the bit where the hero and the heroine are nearly separated.这个故事临近结尾处有几段精彩描写,其中之一是男女主人公差点分手的一段。Mrs Thatcher was a heroine for many Conservatives.撒切尔夫人为许多保守党人士所崇拜。They enacted the roles of hero and heroine in the play.他们在这出戏中担任男、女主角。Appearing as the heroine of a comedy, she brought her illustrious stage career to a grand finale yesterday.昨天她在一出喜剧中担任女主角,以一场盛大演出结束了她那辉煌的舞台生涯。The heroine arrives in the nick of time to save the hero.女主人公在千钧一发之际赶到,救了男主人公一命。The movie ended with the hero and heroine locked in a passionate clinch. 电影结尾男女主人公紧紧拥抱在了一起。This story featured a plucky heroine.这个故事描述了一个勇敢的女英雄。Cassandra is the real heroine of the story.卡桑德拉是这个故事中真正的女主人公。The story follows on from the death of the heroine.故事从女主人公的死继续往下展开。He offers a kind of piteous compassion for his anti-heroine.他对他所塑造的非正统女主角充满了悲悯和同情。He donned a dress and a fat suit to play the heroine's mother.他穿上一条裙子和一件肥肥装,扮演女主人公的妈妈。My favorite part is toward the end of the book, where the heroine returns home.我最喜欢的是这本书快到结尾的部分,那时女主人公回到家乡。Jane Eyre, the eponymous heroine of the novel by Charlotte Brontë简・爱 - 夏洛蒂・勃朗特同名小说的女主人公The heroine of the novel is cruel and evil, with no redeeming features.小说的女主人公性情残酷,为人歹毒,一无是处。She's the prettiest, most ethereal romantic heroine in the movies.她是所有电影中最美丽、最优雅的爱情戏女主角。This novel vividly depicts the heroine's trials and tribulations.这部小说生动地描写女主人公经历的种种艰难困苦。The heroine plays an essentially passive role in the drama.女主人公在这部剧里扮演了一个本质上十分消极的角色。The traumatised heroine sinks into a catatonic trance.遭受心理创伤的女主人公陷入紧张性精神恍惚。The national heroine of the day was Xing Fen, winner of the first Gold medal of the Games.如今的全民女性偶像是运动会中获得首枚金牌的邢芬。The film suddenly flashed back to the heroine's youth.电影镜头突然闪回到女主角的青年时代。The heroine dies in the closing sequence of the movie.女主人公在影片的结尾场景中死去。She seems to see herself as some kind of romantic heroine in a trashy novel.她好像把自己看成是垃圾小说里一个浪漫的女主人公了。My heroine was Elizabeth Taylor.我心目中的偶像是伊丽莎白·泰勒。The heroine is both oddly prim and annoyingly dozy.女主人公非常古板,而且笨得令人讨厌。The heroine is a senior TV executive.女主角是一名电视台的高级主管。She plays the hapless heroine who is unlucky in love.她扮演那位爱情不幸的女主角。Her delivery of the heroine is very charming.她扮演女主角十分迷人。The author characterized his heroine in a few short paragraphs.作者在短短几段中刻划了女主角的性格。If this is a novel without a hero, at least let us lay claim to a heroine.如果这小说里的男人没有一个出类拔萃,女人里头至少有一个称得上是了不起的人物。I suppose I had some high-flown notion of playing the heroine and saving people.我想我有过扮演女英雄拯救人类那种不切实际的想法。The heroine of her latest novel is a middle-class English woman.她新小说中的女主人公是一位中产阶级的英国女性。Even though the heroine dies at the end, her struggle for a better world gives the movie a life-affirming message.尽管女主人公最终去世,但她为创造更美好的世界所付出的努力使这部影片传达出一种积极的生活态度。I identified with the heroine of the novel.我与小说中的那个女主人公感同身受。The story is narrated entirely by the heroine.这个故事全部由女主人公叙述。




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