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词汇 heroin
例句 She OD'd on heroin and died.她服用了过量的海洛因而丧命。He was jailed for possession of heroin with intent to supply.他因持有并企图向他人提供海洛因而被判入狱。He then began dealing in heroin.后来他就做起了海洛因买卖。The two women claimed they were the unwitting victims of a drug dealer who planted a large quantity of heroin in their luggage.这两个妇女声称是一个毒贩在她们不知情的情况下把大量的海洛因放进了她们的行李。He committed both crimes to feed his addiction to heroin.他犯这两桩罪都是为了满足他的海洛因瘾。My name is Roseanne and I'm in here for heroin addiction.我的名字叫罗丝安妮,我是因为吸食海洛因上瘾来到这里的。James abused his body for years with heroin and cocaine.詹姆斯多年吸食海洛因和可卡因,戕害了身体。The charges against them include conspiracy to smuggle heroin.对他们的指控包括搞海洛因走私的阴谋活动。He suspected that the woman staying in the flat above was using heroin.他怀疑楼上公寓里的那个女人正在吸食海洛因。We were dismayed to discover that our daughter Louise had started experimenting with heroin.发现女儿路易丝开始吸食海洛因,我们很担心。The gang earned as much as $10 million a month peddling heroin and cocaine.这个黑帮贩卖海洛因和可卡因,一个月有多达一千万美元的收入。You'll find that most people that don't use heroin don't like people that do.你会发现绝大多数不吸海洛因的人都不喜欢吸食者。He went to a treatment centre where he was gradually weaned off heroin.他进了一个治疗中心,在那儿他渐渐地戒掉了海洛因毒瘾。The research told us that many drug addicts were returning to heroin up to three years after the treatment.调查告诉我们,许多有毒瘾的人接受治疗以后,最多过三年就会再次复吸海洛因。The young man shot heroin last year.这个年轻人去年曾注射过海洛因。Her heroin-addicted husband is a grief to her.她那吸海洛因成瘾的丈夫真让她痛心。She's addicted to heroin.她吸食海洛因成瘾。People need help to come off hard drugs like heroin and cocaine.人们要依靠帮助来戒除海洛因和可卡因这一类硬毒品。How long has she been on heroin?她吸食海洛因有多久了?In blind trials, users who were given both drugs orally were unable to distinguish between the effects of heroin and methadone.在盲测过程中,口服海洛因和美沙酮这两种药物的人分辨不出两者的效果。A lot of these kids are on heroin by the age of twelve.这些孩子中有许多人十二岁就开始吸食海洛因了。Anyone caught pushing heroin or cocaine is given a long prison sentence.凡因贩卖海洛因或可卡因被捕的人,都要判长期徒刑。Dealers are mixing the drug with heroin and cocaine to eke out their supplies.毒贩在这种毒品中掺入海洛因和可卡因,这使他们的毒品供应可以持久。Her suitcase had a false bottom, containing 2 kilos of heroin.她的手提箱有个假底层,里面夹藏了两公斤海洛因。Kids as young as ten are shooting up heroin.连十岁大的小孩都在注射海洛因。How long have you been doing heroin?你服用海洛因有多久了?We saw a cadaverous heroin addict sitting in the park.我们看见一个形容枯稿的瘾君子坐在公园里。She was on heroin for three years.她吸食海洛因三年了。He began by reading everything he could find out about heroin.他从阅读所有能找到的有关海洛因的资料开始。He has been charged with supplying heroin to persons unknown.他被指控向陌生人提供海洛因。He was permanently strung out on heroin.吸食海洛因令他整日神志不清。Those kids were initiated into heroin use at a young age.那些孩子很早就被教会如何吸食海洛因。He spent a number of years hooked on cocaine, heroin and alcohol.他有好几年时间吸食可卡因和海洛因成瘾,还整日酗酒。She had an addiction to heroin.她吸食海洛因成瘾。She had serious substance abuse problems with both cocaine and heroin.她有严重滥用可卡因和海洛因的问题。He'd overdosed on heroin.他曾过量吸食海洛因。He was struggling to beat his heroin addiction.他那时曾努力戒除他的海洛因毒瘾。His life has been ruined by heroin addiction.他的人生毁于吸食海洛因。Queensland heroin users will be able to detoxify rapidly on Naltrexone after a two-year clinical trial of the controversial drug begins in Brisbane this week.本周开始在布里斯班对纳曲酮这种存有争议的药物进行为期两年的临床试验,之后昆士兰的海洛因吸食者将能够借助这种药物快速戒毒。These drugs block the effects of heroin use and rapidly detoxify addicts.这些药物可以抑制服用海洛因产生的影响,让成瘾者迅速脱瘾。




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