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词汇 spell
例句 When arranged in the correct order, the letters will spell a word which you fill in on this grid.这些字母如果按正确顺序排列可以拼成一个单词,把这个单词填入这个方格里。Drinking the potion will break the spell. 喝下药水可以破除魔法。After a spell as an editor she went back to teaching.当了一段时间的编辑后她又回头教书去了。Losing this game will mean/spell the team's demise.输掉了这场比赛将意味着这个队的出局。Do I have to spell out to you how important this is to me?我必须对你讲清楚这对我有多么重要吗?How many times do I have to spell it out?我要仔仔细细讲多少遍?Tell me how to spell that word.告诉我那个词怎么拼。Shakespeare did not always spell his own name the same way.莎士比亚不总是用同样的拼法拼写自己的名字。Some words are more difficult to spell than others.有些词比其他的词难拼写。Have a spell when you are tired.你疲倦了就休息一下。The village seemed to be under an evil spell.这个村庄似乎中了恶咒。Harry knew that he was in love with Susie, completely under her spell.哈里知道自己爱上了苏茜,已经完全被她迷住了。She's a witch, and she'll cast a spell on you if she catches you.她是个女巫,如果让她逮住,她就会对你下咒语。It's wonderful to watch her now going through things phonetically learning how to spell things.看到她现在根据语音学习如何拼写取得进步真让人高兴。Did I spell your name correctly?你的名字我没拼错吧?He did a spell inside for rape.他因犯强奸罪坐了一段时间的牢。She cast a spell on the whole audience.她迷倒了所有观众。Children write down the word, cover it up and then try to spell it from memory.孩子们写下单词,把它遮起来,然后再试着凭记忆拼写这个单词。I fell under the spell of her charm.我被她的魅力迷倒了。He fell under the spell of her charms.他倾倒于她迷人的魅力。He can't spell.他不会拼写。He doesn't spell very well.他的拼写能力不太好。He's going through a bit of a bad spell at the moment.他这段时间有点儿倒霉。After a quiet spell there was a sudden flurry of phone calls.经过一段平静之后,电话突然响个不停。No one thinks this could spell the closure of the firm, but things could be better.没有人觉得这样做会使公司关门,反而可以做得更好。If the owner believes he has lost the dressing room, it could spell the end for the manager. 如果球队老板认为总教练失去了权威,这就意味着他要丢工作了。Could you spell your name again, please?请您再拼一次您的名字好吗?She uttered the magic word, and the spell was broken.她说出咒语,魔法解除了。This warm spell has given us a reprieve from the winter cold.这些天暖和的天气使我们从冬日的寒冷中得以喘息。People said he was able to cast a spell on the public.人们说他能吸引公众。The prince fell under the spell of her beauty.王子被她的美貌所迷住。A witch casts a spell on the children, who fall asleep.一个女巫对这些孩子施了魔咒,孩子们就睡着了。This place had woven its spell over them.这个地方对他们施了咒。She knew that a hygiene inspection could spell trouble for her restaurant.她知道卫生检查会给她的餐馆带来麻烦。Once this spell of bad weather is over, we can start work on the garden.这段坏天气一过去,我们就可以开始弄花园了。A spell of tough luck discouraged us.一阵坏运气令我们大为沮丧。The beauty of the tropical islands cast a spell over the tourists.热带岛屿的美景把游客们迷住了。Out-of-town retail developments often spell the death of independent high street shops.镇外的零售业开发区往往会导致大街上独立经营的商店消失。I turned the heat back on again during that spell of cold weather.寒潮来袭期间,我把暖气重新打开了。He lay still, not wanting to break the spell.他静静地躺着,不想结束这魔幻般的美妙时刻。




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