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He wrote to the company on spec, hoping for a job.他给公司写信是想碰碰运气,希望得到一份工作。I sent in an application on spec.我寄去一份申请书碰碰运气。When searching for a job Adrian favours networking and writing letters on spec.找工作的时候,阿德里安喜欢通过上网和写信去碰运气。He wrote to them on spec and they offered him a job!他碰运气地给他们写了封信,而他们竟给了他一份工作!The standard spec includes stainless steel holding tanks.标准配置里包含了不锈钢储液罐。She wrote the script on spec.她冒险写下了脚本。We just turned up at the airport on spec, hoping that we'd be able to get tickets.我们只不过到机场去碰碰运气,希望能买到机票。He built the house on spec.他以投机心态建了这栋房子。He bought oil company shares on spec.他冒著风险购买石油公司的股份。You could always send your CV to a few companies on spec.你总还可以给几家公司寄去你的简历,碰碰运气嘛。 |