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词汇 snows
例句 Soon the warm spring sun will melt the winter snows.春天的暖阳很快就会使冬雪消融。The first snows of winter are here.这里下了冬天的第一场降雪。As the snows melt, the flood waters rise.雪融化的时候,洪水会上涨。As the snows melt, the floodwaters rise.积雪融化时洪水上涨。We'd better lay in plenty of food in case we're cut off when it snows.我们最好储备充足的食物以防下大雪时供应中断。Heavens, but it snows.天哪,真的下雪了。Whenever it snows in Britain we are taken by surprise.每次英国下雪,我们都会感到惊讶。We often go hunting during the snows.在下雪季节我们常出去打猎。We haven't had many heavy snows this winter.今年冬天我们这儿没下过几场大雪。When it snows I have to shovel the driveway.下雪时,我得去把车道上的雪铲干净。The effects of the East Coast snows this year were compounded by severe storms in the spring.春季的大风暴加剧了今年东海岸降雪的影响。




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