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词汇 flailing
例句 She ducked his flailing arms.她避开了他挥舞的胳膊。She ran from the house in a terrible rage, her arms flailing in the air.她怒不可遏地从房子里跑出来,手臂在空中乱挥乱打。A wasp came towards us and Howard started flailing his arms around.一只黄蜂冲我们飞来,霍华德开始使劲挥舞胳膊。I was flailing about in the water.我在水中挥动着手臂拼命挣扎。Two arms reached around her flailing limbs.两只手臂抱住了她胡乱挥舞的肢体。She ran along, her arms flailing wildly.她往前跑,双臂一阵狂摆。He jumped to avoid the flailing leg of the defender.他跳起来避开防守队员的狂踢。His arms were flailing in all directions.他的双臂四下胡乱挥舞着。He started flailing around and hitting Vincent in the chest.他开始猛烈挣扎,捶打着文森特的胸口。He was wildly flailing about/around on the dance floor.他在舞池中疯狂地手舞足蹈。He became moody and unreasonable, flailing out at Katherine at the slightest excuse.他变得喜怒无常、不可理喻,为点儿鸡毛蒜皮的小事就殴打凯瑟琳。They were flailing their arms to drive away the insects.他们使劲挥胳膊赶虫子。The wounded animal lay on the ground, flailing helplessly.这只受伤的动物躺在地上,四肢无助地乱蹬着。




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