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词汇 flagged
例句 The traffic police flagged the passing car down.交通警察挥手命令那辆经过的汽车停下。I flagged the waiter for the check.我招呼服务员结账。I flagged any words I didn't know.我把不认识的单词标注出来。After a long day, his energy flagged.经过漫长的一天后,他精疲力竭。He flagged me a taxi.他为我招来一辆计程车。Our interest flagged as the speaker droned on.发言人没完没了地说着,我们越听越没劲。The wheel of history will grind down anyone who flagged.历史的车轮会压垮一切企图阻止它前进的人。She sat on a chair in the flagged yard.她坐在铺着石板的庭院里的一张椅子上。He was flagged for holding.他因擒抱式阻拦被判罚。They flagged a car down.他们拦了一辆轿车。They flagged down a passing family who stopped to help them.他们向路过的一家人示意,那家人便停下来帮助他们。He was flagged for being offside.他被挥旗示意越位。Concerns flagged up by the report included animal welfare and child labour.该报告提醒关注的事项包括动物福利和童工问题。She flagged several pages for me to review.她标出几页让我复习。A flagged path skirted the house.围绕屋子的是一条石板路。I've flagged the parts I want to comment on.我已经特别标示出我要评论的部分。When everyone had had a say the topic flagged.在每个人都发表了一通意见之后,这个题目就变得索然无味了。The train was flagged at the bridge.火车在桥头被招呼停了下来。




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