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词汇 flair
例句 As a player he had a lot of flair, but it didn't help him win.他是一名很有天赋的球员,但是这并没有帮助他取胜。If we had a player with as much flair and presence, we'd be cheering.如果我们也有一位具备同样素质和风度的运动员,我们将感到高兴。One of the best new players, he shows flair and creativity at the game.作为最出色的新球员之一,他显示出了在这项运动方面的天赋和创造力。His designs are all right, but he lacks artistic flair.他的设计还行,不过缺乏艺术天分。She has a natural flair for languages.她有学习语言的天分。If you have a flair for languages, there are some good career opportunities in Europe.如果你有语言天分,在欧洲就有一些很好的发展事业的机会。Democracy often sits uneasily with entrepreneurial flair.民主与创业天赋往往格格不入。He had a natural flair for business.他有做生意的天分。Being a good salesman requires skill, flair, and a good knowledge of your product.要成为一名出色推销员需要有技能、天分和对自己产品的深刻了解。His flair with hair soon landed him a part-time job at his local barber's.他出色的美发手艺很快就让他在当地的发廊谋得了一份兼职。In order to be successful as a dancer, you need flair and stamina.成为一名成功的舞蹈演员需要天赋和毅力。It's a competent enough piece of writing but it lacks flair.这篇文章写得还算不错,就是文采稍显不足。Their work has all the usual punch, panache and flair you'd expect.他们的作品一如既往地引人入胜、气韵潇洒、新颖别致,不会让你失望。Irwin has real entrepreneurial flair.欧文很有创业才能。Our youngest son has a flair for drawing.我们的小儿子很擅长绘画。He has a flair for storytelling.他有讲故事的天赋。Campese was his usual mixture of flamboyance and flair.坎佩塞仍然像往常一样既奢华又风雅。Their window display has absolutely no flair at all.他们的橱窗布置全无吸引人的看点。His flair with hair soon landed him a part-time job at his local barbers.他的美发天赋令他很快在当地一家发廊找到一份兼职工作。He directs with flair and sensitivity.他的导演风格富有魅力和敏感性。Democracy and entrepreneurial flair often sit uneasily together.民主与创业才干常常不能融洽地并存。The room's interior was designed with taste and flair.这房间的室内设计很有品味和创意。He has a flair for design.他颇具设计天赋。Henry Tippett showed remarkable flair as a hotelier.亨利·蒂皮特表现出了旅店经营者的卓越才能。In business circles he is noted for his flair and clarity of vision.在商界,他以天资出众、富有远见而著名。Sara's natural flair for languages marked her off from the other students.萨拉的语言天赋使得她在学生中非常突出。She has a flair for the dramatic. 她天生就会装腔作势。She always dresses with flair.她总是穿得很亮丽。He played with great imagination and flair.他的演奏充满了瑰丽奇特的想象,显示出过人的才情。




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