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词汇 flagging
例句 A recent strengthening of the dollar has given a lift to flagging European markets.近期美元的上涨给逐渐衰落的欧洲市场帮了忙。Her energy shows no sign of flagging after all these years.过了这么多年,她的精力还一点不减。The movie revived his flagging career.这部电影使他逐渐衰退的事业重获新生。The good news boosted my flagging spirits.这个好消息让我从萎靡中振作了起来。The conversation was flagging until the mention of her name.谈话一直很低落,直到提起她的名字。Marlette was already out of the door, flagging down a taxi.马利特已经出门了,正挥手招呼一辆出租车。Jenny taught for four hours straight without flagging.珍妮连续授课四小时,一点都不感到疲乏。Now he has to play his ace in a bid to revive his flagging fortunes.现在他叫牌不得不打出王牌来重振旗鼓。His enthusiasm was in no way flagging.他的热情丝毫未减。A success on the London stage brings kudos back home and can give a boost to a flagging career.在伦敦舞台上取得成功可以提升在本国的受欢迎度,令低迷的演艺生涯大有起色。He's trying to revive his flagging career.他在设法重振自己不景气的事业。The party still hopes to revive its flagging electoral fortunes.这个政党仍然希望扭转它不济的选举时运。By now the wine had lifted her flagging spirits.那个时候,喝下的酒已经一扫她的萎靡不振,让她提起了精神。He wanted to do something to bolster their flagging spirits.他想做点什么,来振作他们萎靡的精神。The government devalued the currency to try to revive the flagging economy.政府使货币贬值以振兴衰退的经济。A flagging libido and a drop in sexual performance are all part of the ageing process.性欲减退和性功能下降都是衰老的表现。




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