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词汇 slave
例句 She was forced to work as a virtual slave for a rich family.她被迫几乎像奴隶一样为一家富人干活。It makes me sick the way she treats him like a slave.她把他当做奴隶看待,令我很生气。I'll be working long hours for slave wages!为那丁点儿血汗钱我得当牛做马好几个小时!The slave was leathered black and blue.那个奴隶被抽打得浑身青紫。She's a real slave driver. One of her secretaries had a nervous breakdown last year.她真苛刻,去年她有个秘书都精神崩溃了。It's just slave labour.这是纯粹的苦工。He treats her like a slave.他把她当奴隶对待。It was infamous as a kingdom of brigands, scoundrels, and slave-traders.该地区因土匪、无赖和奴隶贩子猖獗而声名狼藉。She's a slave to fashion.她是个拼命赶时髦的人。The slave escaped and became a free man.那个奴隶逃走了,从此变成了自由人。My boss is a real slave driver.我的老板真是个苛刻的监工。The report alleges that thousands of people have been forced into slave labour by the army.该报告宣称,成千上万的人被军队逼迫做苦役。Reformists were appalled by the immorality and inhumanity of the slave trade.不道德而且无人性的奴隶贸易使改革主义者大为惊骇。The pyramids were mostly built by slave labour.金字塔主要是由奴隶们建造的。As a slave he was required to do his master's bidding without question.身为奴隶,他必须无条件服从奴隶主。The Confederate government provided troops to suppress slave revolts.邦联政府派军队镇压奴隶暴动。These are volunteer workers—they're not slave labour.这些是志愿工人;他们可不是受奴役的苦工。He was a helpless slave to his addiction.他深陷毒瘾,不能自拔。The new boss is a real slave driver.这个新老板真是个拼命使唤人的人。Without slave labour / labor, the tobacco industry would have collapsed.没有奴隶的劳动,烟草业早就破产了。They discovered that the slave was a fugitive.他们发现这个奴隶是个逃亡者。There were no divisions between men and women, slave or freeman, Jew or Gentile.男人和女人,奴隶和自由民,犹太人和非犹太人之间,并没有什么界限。Do it yourself! I'm not your slave!你自己干!我不是你的奴隶!His father was a wealthy, prominent Virginia slave master.他的父亲曾是一位富有而杰出的弗吉尼亚奴隶主。The pyramids were built by slave labor.金字塔由奴隶工建造。When I bade him yield he cast down his sword and made himself my slave.我命令他投降,于是他丢下剑,成为我的奴隶。The company denies using slave labour.公司否认使用了苦工。It is now thought that the Pyramids were not built using slave labour.人们现在认为金字塔当年不是靠做苦工的奴隶建成的。The authors emphasized the role of the slave trade in the economic development of the New World.作者们强调了奴隶贸易对新大陆经济发展所起的作用。George Washington Carver was born a slave.乔治·华盛顿·卡弗生来就是个奴隶。The film tells the story of a mutiny aboard a slave ship.影片讲述的是发生在一艘贩奴船上的哗变。He's been forced into slave labour at burger bars to earn a bit of cash.为了挣点钱,他被迫到卖汉堡的小店里做苦工。Liverpool grew fat on the basis of the slave trade.利物浦是靠奴隶贸易肥起来的。The children were used as slave labour in gold mines in the jungle.在丛林地带,儿童被用作开采金矿的苦役。It is silly to be a slave to social conventions.对社会习俗盲从是愚蠢的。The slave traders ravished babies from their mothers' arms.奴隶贩子把婴儿从母亲们的怀里抢走。The slave's back showed scores made by the whip.奴隶的背部显出道道鞭痕。It's slave labour working in that office.在那个部门工作简直是在服苦役。Virginia was the largest slave state in the Union.联邦最大的蓄奴州是弗吉尼亚州。




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