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词汇 your home
例句 If you want to sell your home, be realistic about the price.如果你想把房子卖出去,那么价格方面你要实际一点。Don't let anyone into your home that you don't like the look of.别让任何你认为有问题的人进你家。It doesn't take much to improve the energy efficiency of your home.改善家庭能耗并非难事。Tomorrow morning I will telephone a message to your home.明天上午我会给你家去电话通知。Installing a security system in your home will give you greater peace of mind. 在家中安装安全系统能让你更踏实放心。The package will be sent directly to your home.包裹将直接送到你家。You could use the money for improving your home.你可以用这笔钱改善家居。You don't need green fingers to fill your home with lush leaves.不是园艺大师也可以把自己的家里装点得绿意盎然。With an unsecured loan you do not offer your home as security and it is therefore a popular form of borrowing among consumers.申请无抵押贷款时你无需以住房作抵押,因为大受消费者欢迎。You need to log on to your home page.你需要登录你的主页。These rugs will add a touch of style and brighten any room in your home.这些地毯会使你家中的房间更有格调、颜色更亮丽。The company offers free delivery to your home.公司免费送货上门。The agreement doesn't allow you to conduct business from your home.协议不允许你在家里经营生意。When you take the family off on holiday, you want to be sure that your home is safe.带家人去度假的时候,你会希望确保家是安全的。Even if your home is already furnished, you can always accessorize.即便你的家已经装修过了,你也总可以为它增加装饰。His real purpose is to trick his way into your home to see what he can steal.他的真实目的就是设局欺骗你以进入你的家里,看看他可以偷走什么。Follow our guide to making your home a fit place to work, rest and play.按照我们的指南把家营造成适合工作、休息和娱乐的地方。I want you to think of this as your home.我要你把这儿当作自己的家。Make your home difficult to get into, and burglars will go elsewhere.让住宅变得难以闯入,这样窃贼就会去别处了。Please give us your home phone number.请把你家的电话号码告诉我们。The magazine is packed with lots of ideas for decorating your home.这本杂志里有很多家庭装潢的好点子。What's your home address?你家的地址呢? His purpose is to trick his way into your home to see what he can steal.他的目的就是通过欺骗手段进入你家里看看能偷走什么。Make sure you insure your home contents for an adequate amount.千万要给家里的财物上足保险。Who wears the trousers in your home. You or your wife?你们家里谁当家,你还是你妻子? If your home was on fire and you could save only one thing, what would it be?如果你家着了火,而你只能抢救出一样东西,你会拿什么呢?Don't overspend on your home and expect to get the money back when you sell.不要在买房子上超支并指望以后出售时还能把钱赚回来。It's sometimes hard to maintain the right balance between your work and your home life.有时要在工作和家庭生活之间保持恰当的平衡是很难的。Do you own your home or are you renting?你的房子是自己的还是租的?Many financial planners now recommend against ever fully paying off your home loan.现在许多理财专家不建议人们把住房贷款全部还清。What is your home address?你家的地址是什么?You need to maintain a good balance between your home life and career.你需要把家庭生活和事业兼顾好。Telephone and cable lines link your home office to the outside world.电话线和电缆线路把家庭办公室和外面的世界联系起来。This machine makes cleaning your home a doddle. 这台机器使家里的清洁工作变得轻而易举。Paid help can make a huge difference to the cleanliness and tidiness of your home.请钟点工可以使你家里的整洁状况大为改观。The loan is secured against your home.这笔贷款以你的房子作为抵押。The loan is secured against your home.这笔贷款是以你的房屋作为担保的。To make this your home page, click here.点击此处把此页设为主页。Insulating your home is a good way to save energy.做好家里的隔热是节省能源的一个好方法。We suggest simple but stylish ways to decorate your home without breaking the bank.我们推荐简单时尚的家居装修方式,不必花费太多。




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