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词汇 your family
例句 Don't be bashful about telling your family how you feel.不要羞于告诉家人你自己的感受。We are truly grateful to you and your family.我们真的很感激你和你的家人。You can't win, can you? You either work late and upset your family, or go home early and risk your job.你没有办法,是吧? 你要么工作到很晚,让家里人不高兴; 要么冒着失业的危险早早回家去。A life insurance policy enables you to provide for your family after your death.一份人寿保险能够使你在死后继续有钱养活家人。You should take out travel insurance covering you and your family against theft.你应该为自己和家人办理旅游保险以防偷盗。You've brought nothing but shame on your family since the day you were born!从你出生那天起,你给家里带来的就只有耻辱,没有别的!Your loyalty lies first and foremost with your family.你首先应该对家人忠心。You have the obligation to your family to choose carefully.你有责任为家人仔细选择。What an odd coincidence that he should have known your family.他居然认识你的家人,真是太巧了。A second member of your family can join at no charge. 你可带一位家人,无须付费。You are a credit to your family and your country.你是你的家人和祖国的骄傲。Only your family doctor can refer you to a surgeon.只有你的家庭医生才能把你介绍给外科医生。Who is your family doctor?你的家庭医生是谁?I hope to see you and your family soon.我期待不久能见到你和你的家人。I am writing to extend my deepest sympathies to you and your family.谨以此信表示我对您和您家人的深切慰问。I bet your family will be glad to see you when you get back to civvy street.我敢肯定你的家人看到你重过平民生活会很高兴的。In these situations, your family comes before everything else.在这些情况下,你的家庭比任何事情都更重要。You will need some cooperation from your family.你会需要家人的一些协助。Well, you put up with the danger and bad conditions, because you need to feed your family.嗯,你得忍受危险和恶劣的工作条件,因为你要养家糊口。It's easy to get cut off from your family when you first go overseas.第一次出国很容易和家人失去联系。You cannot disguise what you are doing from your family.你所做的事对家人是掩盖不了的。It can't be right to keep lying to your family.老是欺骗你的家人是不对的。Holidays are a time to enjoy the society of your family.节假日是享受天伦之乐的时刻。Will you be seeing your family on Thanksgiving?感恩节你会和家人见面吗?We wish to express/offer/send our sincere condolences to your family.我们希望向您的家人表达/致以/送上诚挚的慰问。I hope all is well with you and your family.希望你和你的家人一切安好。Is your family coming over from Greece for the wedding?你的家人要从希腊赶来参加婚礼吗?Please let us know if we can be of any further service to you or your family.如果我们还能帮上你或者你的家人,请告诉我们。Does your family have any history of heart disease?你的家族有心脏病史吗?You can't have it both ways, Paul. What's more important, your family or your job?保罗,你不可能二者兼顾。家庭和工作,哪个更重要?Give my regards to your family.请代我向你家人问好。I have always had a deep affection for your family.我一向对你们一家人怀有深厚的感情。May God bless you and your family.愿上帝保佑你和你的家人。You sullied the honour of your family.你的举止玷污了你们家族的荣誉。I don't mind you coming, but I didn't expect you to invite along half your family.我不介意你来,但我没想到你把你家里一半的人都带来了。Which is more important to you - your family or your career?对你而言,家庭和事业哪个更重要?In the past, your family was the first resort when looking for a job.过去找工作总是先找家人帮忙。What can you do to optimize your family situation?你如何能充分利用自己的家庭条件?Everyone in your family is well, I hope.愿你阖家安康。You can spell out your preferences in an advance directive, so that your family and doctors know what you want.你可以在事前委托书中详细说明你的选择,以便你的家人和医生知道你的意愿。




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