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词汇 your name
例句 I'm terribly sorry. I didn't catch your name.非常抱歉,我没有听清你的名字。Please give your name, address, and an emergency contact number.请告诉我你的姓名、地址和紧急联系电话。A check mark next to your name signifies that you have met all the requirements.名字旁的勾号表示你已符合所有要求。Sorry, I don't remember your name. 对不起,我记不起你的名字了。Please fill out this form and sign your name at the bottom.请填好表并在最下面签名。Type your name in the User field.在用户栏中输入你的姓名。I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.不好意思,我没有听清你的名字。The other option is to change your name by deed poll which involves going to the courts.另一个选择是通过单边契据更改姓名,而这样做需要上法庭。Write your name, address, and phone number in the spaces provided.在空白处写上您的姓名、地址和电话号码。The form has spaces where you just plug in your name and address.在表格的空白处填写你的姓名和地址。I'm sorry I got your name wrong in my article.对不起,我在我的文章里把你的名字写错了。I'm sorry, what was your name again?不好意思,请再说一遍,你叫什么?Please print your name and address.请用印刷体书写你的姓名和地址。The blank space at the end of the form is for your name.表格末端的空白处供你签名。Put a tick next to your name.请在你的名字旁边打个钩。Please state your name and address.请写下您的姓名和地址。Please print your name and address in block capitals.请用正体大写字母书写你的姓名和地址。I'm sorry, but your name does not appear in/on our books.很抱歉,我们的登记本上没有您的名字。If you don't get your name on the electoral register you may be disenfranchised.你若没有在选民登记册上登记名字,有可能会失去选举权。Just sign your name here, at the bottom of the page.你就在这儿签上名,这一页的下端。You have to put your name, age, and sex on the form.必须在表格上填上你的姓名、年龄和性别。I saw your name written up on the wall.我看见你的大名被写在墙上。We were discussing possible candidates, and your name was mentioned.我们正在商讨可能的人选,你被提名了。I'll put your name on the waiting list.我会把你列入等候者名单的。Did I spell your name properly?您的名字我拼对了吗?Write your name on this list and pass it around.在名单上写下你的名字,再传给别人。If your name is not on the register of electors, you will not be able to vote.如果名字不在选民登记簿上,你就无权投票。State your name and occupation.说出你的姓名和职业。Please remain seated until your name is called.点到名字之前请不要站起来。Please sign your name in the space marked for endorsement.请在标明签署的地方签名。After you type your name in the first box, you can move to the next box by tabbing.将名字录入第一个方框后,可按跳格键移至下一个方框。Please fill in your name and address in the space provided.请在所留空白处填写你的姓名和地址。Please write your name at the top of each sheet.请在每张纸的上方写上你的名字。Forms usually ask you your name, address, nationality and place of birth.填写表格时通常要填上你的姓名、地址、国籍和出生地。I apologize for the omission of your name from the list. It was not intentional.很抱歉在名单上遗漏了你的名字。我不是故意的。We have no immediate vacancy, but I'll keep your name on file.当前我们不缺人,不过我会把你的姓名记录下来的。Please sign your name on the reverse.请在文件背面签字。I'm afraid I didn't catch your name.不好意思,我没听清你的名字。Please write your name on the bottom right-hand corner of the page.请在这页的右上角签上你的名字。I've seen your name on the list of deportees.我看见你的名字在被驱逐出境者名单之列。




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