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词汇 sit
例句 Don't bother. I'll baby-sit Bonnie.不用操心,我会代你照看邦尼的。The course prepares students to sit for the exam.这门课程是帮助学生应考的。They sit in impotent opposition while the country goes to the dogs.国家败落之际,他们加入了软弱无力的反对党。She likes to sit in the front row. = She likes front-row seats.她喜欢坐在前排。Let's just sit on this news for the time being.我们暂时把这个消息搁置一下吧。Parliament will sit for four months.议会将开会四个月。Just sit down. I won't be a minute.坐吧,我一会儿就完。I like the kind of holiday where I can sit on the beach for a week and do nothing.我喜欢那种能在海滩上坐一个星期且什么也不做的假期。This room is fine except in one respect — what can I sit on?这房间不错,只是没地方可坐这一点不好。The birds sit on the cage floor to hatch their eggs.那些鸟趴在笼子里孵蛋。This isn't a good time to sell a house. Let's just sit tight and see if the market improves.目前不是售房的好时机。我们不妨静观市场情况,看是否会好转。They just sit in front of the television all day.他们一天到晚都坐在电视机前。The proposal seems certain to sit badly with many people.看来那个建议必定会有许多人不欢迎。I felt dizzy and had to sit down.我觉得头晕,只好坐下。This is the chair where the author was wont to sit.这是作者常坐的椅子。You sit here and rest, Mam.妈妈,您坐在这儿歇一会。Is it okay if I sit here?我坐在这里行吗?You look as if you need a sit-down.你看上去好像需要坐下休息休息。Do you want to sit next to Brian?你想坐在布赖恩旁边吗?If you can't see the blackboard, come and sit at the front.你要是看不见黑板就坐到前面来。He argues very strongly that none of us has the right to sit in judgment.他激烈地争辩说,我们中任何一个人都无权进行审判。You can't expect them to sit still for that long, children being what they are.你不要指望他们安安静静地坐那么长时间,小孩子就是小孩子。The bride's guests should sit on the left side of the church.新娘一方的来宾应该坐在教堂的左边。Percy was so thrilled he could hardly sit still.珀西激动得都坐不住了。You must be exhausted after all that shopping - sit down and take the weight off your feet!逛了那么长时间的街你一定累坏了——坐下歇歇脚吧!The decision didn't sit well with him.他不喜欢这个决定。He likes to sit outside his front door and watch the world go by.他喜欢坐在前门外,注视周围发生的一切。I moved over so that she could sit next to me.我挪过去了一点以便她能坐在我旁边。You can sit along the back wall of the courtroom to watch the proceedings.你可以坐在法庭靠后墙的地方旁听庭审过程。Why don't you boys sit someplace else?你们这些男孩子为什么不坐在别的地方?The baby liked to sit underneath the table.这婴儿喜欢坐在桌子底下。They staged a number of sit-down strikes.他们举行了几次静坐罢工。The students sit in a circle on the floor.学生们围成一圈坐在地板上。I want to sit where you're sitting; shall we swap round?我想坐在你坐的地方,我们对换一下好吗? We sit on the terrace, which looks out on the sea.我们坐在面朝大海的露台上。You can't sit around sulking all day.你不能整天坐着生闷气。She refused to sit down in case she crushed her dress.她不愿意坐下,以免弄皱裙子。Now sit down and eat and mind your manners!坐下来吃饭,注意规矩!I'd like some time to just sit and contemplate.我希望能有时间静坐沉思。You can sit as close to the stage as you wish.只要你愿意,你完全可以坐在更靠近舞台的地方。




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