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词汇 一声不吭
例句 The horror of this, so nakedly terrifying, held them all silent.该事之恐怖,实在令人毛骨悚然,他们都吓得一声不吭He accepted his punishment without protest.一声不吭地接受了惩罚。He could watch her standing mute by the phone.他能看到她一声不吭地站在电话旁。When she starts talking about marriage, I just keep my mouth shut.当她开始谈论结婚时,我只是一声不吭He watched the servants scurrying silently to and fro.他看着仆人们一声不吭地来回疾走。After hearing the news they sat in a quiet, reflective silence.听到这个消息后,他们都一声不吭地坐着,陷入了沉思。They sat in silence, looking tired and dejected.他们一声不吭地坐着,看上去又累又沮丧。My dad was the same. He could be at death's door but wouldn't say a word.我爸爸也一样。他就算已经病得快不行了也还是会一声不吭I said nothing. I was going to let him talk himself out.一声不吭,准备让他把话讲完。He was offered a generous pension provided he left without a fuss.他如果一声不吭地离开,就会获得一笔丰厚的养老金。They drove home in silence.他们一声不吭地开车回家。She left without a word.一声不吭地离开了。For once the children went to bed without a murmur.孩子们头一次一声不吭就上床睡觉了。He simply sat there not speaking.他就在那儿坐着,一声不吭They did as they were told, without a murmur.他们一声不吭地照要求做了。She was shocked into stony silence.她吓得一声不吭At last she stopped searching for words and let silence be.她终于不再无话找话,干脆一声不吭算了。We all sat in silence.我们都一声不吭地坐着。The prisoner sat mute, offering nothing in his own defence.那个囚犯一声不吭地坐著,没说任何为自己辩护的话。They paid up without a whimper.他们一声不吭地还清了钱。He noticed Rolfe standing silently over by the window.他注意到罗尔夫一声不吭地站在窗户旁边。The boy-servant knew his place and kept silent.男仆很知趣,一声不吭It seemed discourteous to walk out on him without a word.一声不吭就扔下他不管,似乎很不礼貌。He leaped into a wounded silence.他因自尊受损突然一声不吭Instead, she set her jaw grimly and waited in silence.相反,她一脸严肃,面部紧绷,一声不吭地等着。She compressed her lips and kept silent.她紧闭嘴唇,一声不吭Gil downed his food wordlessly, his attention far away.吉尔一声不吭地吃他的东西,心已远在天边。Leaphorn eased himself silently upward.利普霍恩一声不吭,慢慢站起身来。In near silence they drove through the greening Shropshire countryside.他们几乎一声不吭地开车驶过正披上绿装的什罗普郡乡村地区。He did not say anything, brooding on the brutal luck of his life.一声不吭,暗自思忖着他一生倒霉的命运。




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