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词汇 一声不响
例句 Katherine sat in a sulky silence.凯瑟琳闷闷不乐地坐着,一声不响A great battleship, forging silent and unlighted through the dark night, loomed close astern.在漆黑的夜中一轮巨大战舰一声不响地熄灯前进,逼近船尾。He just walked out on his family without saying a word.一声不响地扔下一家子出走了。He sat passively, waiting for his father to make the opening move.一声不响地坐着,等待他父亲开局。Bill sat in sullen silence and refused to eat his lunch.比尔一声不响,闷闷不乐地坐着,不肯吃午饭。She sat in the car, silently fuming about what he'd said.她坐在车里一声不响,对他刚才的话生着闷气。The tiger moved silently through the jungle.老虎一声不响地穿过丛林。We drank our coffee in silence.我们一声不响地喝着咖啡。She was so quiet that her presence has hardly been noticed.一声不响,几乎没有人注意她在场。He stood in silence with his arms folded across his chest.一声不响地站着,双臂交叉着放在胸前。It was wrong of Sophie to take the money without asking.索菲一声不响就把钱拿走是不对的。Miriam was silent all through the meal.用餐时米利亚姆始终一声不响Quietly Mark poured and served drinks for all of them.马克一声不响地给他们每人倒好饮料并端上来。The Hilliards nodded a greeting, and stared mutely into the cameras.希利亚德一家人点头致意,然后就一声不响地盯着摄像机。




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