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词汇 sinks
例句 The traumatised heroine sinks into a catatonic trance.遭受心理创伤的女主人公陷入紧张性精神恍惚。Every day she sinks further and further into depression.她一天天地消沉下去。He sinks the needle into my arm.他将针插入我的胳膊。How many times do I have to tell you something before it sinks in?要我对你说多少遍,你才能明白?The field sinks toward the river.这块田地朝河边下倾。The price of eggs sinks in summer.蛋价在夏季下跌。If the ink sinks in, it'll be hard to remove the spot from the cloth.如果墨水渗入布料,就很难把污迹洗去。One of the sinks had been left grey with soap scum.其中一个水槽由于覆有肥皂垢而变成了灰色。Bogdanov nearly sinks his production of Antony and Cleopatra with a tricksy opening scene.波格丹诺夫卖弄聪明的开幕场景几乎毁了自己执导的《安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉》。The bathroom is furnished with 2 toilets, 2 showers, and 2 sinks.卫生间里装了两个抽水马桶、两个淋浴器、和两个洗脸盆。You'd better wipe up that coffee you spilled on the carpet before it sinks in.趁洒在地毯上的咖啡没有渗进去之前,你最好把它擦干净。The temperature sinks quickly after the sun sets.太阳落山后,气温迅速降低。




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