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词汇 简慢
例句 She was very short with me. I wonder if I've offended her in some way.她对我非常简慢无礼,我在想是不是什么地方得罪了她。The store manager was rather offhand with us at first.商店经理起先对我们的态度很是简慢He made monosyllabic replies to my questions.他对我的问题作了简慢的回答。Polly was curt and businesslike with her clients.波莉对待客户态度简慢,一副公事公办的样子。Her story was sent back with a curt rejection note.她写的故事连同一张简慢的退稿短笺被退回来了。He gave me a brief, inhospitable look.简慢地瞥了我一眼。She's very busy and can be a little short at times.她很忙,所以可能有时会有点儿简慢He lapsed into long silences or became offensively offhand.他要么陷入长时间的沉默,要么变得简慢无礼。I didn't like his offhand manner.我不喜欢他那种简慢的态度。He gave me a curt answer.他用简慢的态度三言两语地回答我。The manager was very curt with them and they left feeling not so much chastened as humiliated.经理对他们的态度很简慢,他们离开时觉得与其说是受到了折磨,不如说是侮辱。Alex bridled at the shortness of Pamela's tone.亚历克斯对帕梅拉的简慢语气很生气。With a curt nod, he turned away and sat down.简慢地点了下头就转身坐下了。




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