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词汇 简报
例句 The company publishes a monthly digest of its activities.该公司每月出一份活动简报The informative newsletter is published once every two months.这种资料丰富的简报每两个月出版一期。The President received a briefing by telegram.总统收到用电报发来的一份简报The society publishes a newsletter twice a year.该社团一年出版两次简报The Minister asserts that the briefing never reached him.部长坚称自己从未收到过这份简报That date wasn't down on our news sheet.那个日期没有刊在我们的通讯简报上。The company publishes a weekly bulletin for its employees.这家公司每周为员工出一期简报The government countered with a flurry of briefings.政府发布了一连串的简报进行反驳。The weekly newsletter is mailed to women all over the country.每周一期的简报邮寄给全国各地的妇女。We had the first issue of the newsletter professionally printed.我们有专业印刷的第一期简报Reading from a tedious technical brief for hours on end, he would stray into difficult territory.连续看上几个小时枯燥的技术简报后,他会不由自主地钻起牛角尖来。




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