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词汇 sick
例句 Everyone in the company is becoming heartily sick of her.公司里的每一个人都渐渐对她极为腻烦起来。It makes me sick to my stomach to hear such stupid attitudes.听到这样愚蠢的看法,我感到恶心。It's better for the sick to be cared for at home rather than in hospital.病人在家里照顾要比在医院里更好一些。We'd only been in the car two minutes when David said he felt sick.我们刚坐进车里两分钟,戴维就说自己感到恶心。I accommodated him by taking the sick horse, though it was against my will.尽管违背自己的心愿,我还是予他方便,买下了那匹病马。What are you most sick of?你最厌烦什么?The sick man's breaths were coming in gasps.病人急促地喘起气来。I am sick of the media slurring him.我厌倦了媒体对他的诽谤。I'm sick to death of hearing about the scandal. 这条丑闻我都听了多少回了,烦死了。The child made a pig of himself at dinner and now feels very sick.那孩子在晚餐时吃得太多,现在感到很不舒服。The rest of us were sick of hearing her crow about/over her success.我们大伙都烦透了听她得意地夸耀自己的成功。The sick were anointed with oil.给病人敷了油。He tracked down his cousin and uncle. The latter was sick.他找到了他的堂兄和叔叔。他叔叔生病了。Go home and rest. You're no use to us if you're sick. 回家休息吧。如果你病了就没法帮我们了。I feel bad/good/sick/well/fine.我感觉不好/挺好/病了/很好/不错。A sick person belongs in bed.病人该待在床上。It is unwise to delay going to the doctor if you are sick.生了病却拖延就医是不明智的。She phoned in sick yesterday. 昨天她给单位打电话请了病假。He was too sick to stay. Accordingly, we sent him home.他身体欠安,不能待下去了,于是我们便派人把他送回家去。The sick person was bundled off to hospital.病人被匆匆送去医院。The kid is always saying he's too sick to go to school, and his parents figure he's faking it.那孩子总是说病得厉害上不了学,他的父母认为他在装病。Both the kids were sick while we were in Boston, so that put a damper on things.我们在波士顿时两个孩子都病倒了,于是一切都乱了套。He was sick with worry.他担心得要命。The sick and wounded were evacuated from the war zone.伤病员从战区撤了出来。I'm getting sick of this cold weather.我讨厌这寒冷的天气。If you need something done, I'll sick him on it.如你需要办什么事,我叫他去干。She was sick with cancer.她患了癌症。The sick man tossed and tumbled in his bed.那病人在床上辗转反侧。Her sister is still pretty sick.她的妹妹仍病得很重。I had no urge to smoke when I was pregnant. It made me feel sick to my stomach.我怀孕时一点不想抽烟,闻到烟我就恶心反胃。I was sick but now I'm better. 我病了,不过现在好多了。It was rotten luck to be sick on the day of the interview.面试当天生病,真倒霉。The coach is sick and won't be on deck for practice for at least one week.教练病了,至少有一周无法到场指导训练。If I pretend to be sick, will you play along and tell everyone that I had to go to the doctor?如果我装病,你能否帮忙告诉大家我不得不去看医生?Someone had been sick on the floor.有人吐在地板上了。At that time there were no state benefits for the old and the sick.那时候老年人和病人是没有国家发放的福利金的。You're really sick, you know that?你真的很变态,你知道吗?All the years he was sick my mother had nursed him.他生病的这些年来,我妈妈一直照料着他。She drank too much last night and woke up sick this morning.她昨晚喝得太多了,早晨醒来就吐了。He is at home sick in bed.他生病卧床在家。




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