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词汇 should not
例句 The desire for profits should not predominate over the public good.对利润的追求不应该超越公众的利益。Such research should not be for personal gain.这样的研究不应该是为了个人利益。You should not smoke if you are pregnant.如果你怀孕了,就不要抽烟。This man is desperate and should not be approached since he may have a gun.此人已是亡命之徒,可能还有枪,千万不要靠近。The Eiger is a difficult mountain to climb. Novices should not attempt it.艾格尔山是座很难攀登的山,初次爬山的人不应当去爬这座山。That kind of behavior should not be allowed.不应该允许这种行为。Democracy should not be about partisanship and faction.民主不应扯上追随和派系。The message that you should not drink and drive needs to be constantly reinforced.要时时提醒自己不能酒后开车。Public statements from the various groups involved should not necessarily be taken at face value.对各有关团体的公开声明不必太过当真。Rightly or wrongly, I think the man should not be punished.对也好,错也好,我以为这个人不应该受处罚。You should not shuck a little child.你不应该去欺骗一个小孩。This statement should not be taken to imply that the government is exonerated of all blame.不应认为这一陈述暗示政府可以免受指责。A serious political speech should not be full of frivolities.一篇严肃的政治演讲不该充斥著轻薄无聊的话。The importance of a good diet should not be underestimated.良好饮食的重要性不应小视。Children's bad behaviour should not blind us to their need for love.我们不应该让孩子的捣蛋行为蒙蔽了我们的双眼,看不到他们对爱的需求。This is a problem that should not be taken lightly. 这个问题不可掉以轻心。He argues that regulations should not be viewed as barriers to progress.他认为规定不应被视为对进步的阻碍。You should not go to extremes.你们不应该走极端。You should not appeal to force.你们不应该诉诸武力。The public should not be encouraged to have a go.不应鼓励公众自行抓坏人。All too often he is spouting off about matters which should not concern him.他经常滔滔不绝地谈论和自己无关的事。You should not sit quietly by while your classmates are all busy.你不该在同学们都忙着的当口不声不响地袖手旁观。 Schoolboys and schoolgirls should not be regimented.对中小学的学生不应管理太严。There is no reason why you should not continue with any sport or activity you already enjoy.没有理由停下你一直在进行的体育运动或活动。It should not be beyond the wit of man to resolve this dispute.解决这场纠纷不是不可能的。These threats should not be taken at face value.这些威胁不应该按字面意思来理解。Those who advocate doctor-assisted suicide say the terminally ill should not have to suffer.主张可以在医生协助下结束生命的人宣称,晚期病人不应当受罪。Children should not be encouraged to graze on sweets.不应该鼓励孩子们去吃糖果之类的零食。Part-time workers should not receive less favourable treatment than full-timers.兼职员工的待遇不应低于全职员工。You should not drive or operate machinery after taking the medicine.你服了这药后不要驾车或操作机器。She feels that private businesses should not be subsidized by taxpayers.她觉得私营企业不应受到纳税人的资助。This drink driver is a menace and should not be allowed to drive again.该酒驾司机对他人生命构成威胁,应该禁止其再次开车。Salmon has quite a delicate flavour, and it should not be over-cooked.三文鱼味道鲜美,不要把它煮得过熟。Library books should not be marked, defaced, or otherwise damaged.不得在图书馆的书上作记号、不得损坏其书皮或对其造成任何其他形式的损坏。In principle, there is no reason why the same cloning techniques should not work on human cells.从理论上讲,把相同的克隆技术运用在人体细胞上未尝不可。Parents should not show preference for any one of their children.父母不应流露出对任何一个孩子的偏心。Your spending should not go over your income.你的支出不应超过你的收入。Such a crime should not be overlooked.对这样的罪行,不应视若无睹。There should not be too much text in children's books.儿童书籍里不应该有太多的文字。You should not humiliate her in public.你不应该在公共场合出她的丑。




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