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The local authority could find itself in the invidious position of having to refuse.当局可能会发现自己处于必须要拒绝但又会因此而不得人心的境地。He deemed it wise to refuse the offer.他认为拒绝这一提议是明智的。Workers should be entitled to refuse to work under these conditions.工人应该有权拒绝在这种环境下工作。Some nurses wanted the right to refuse to perform abortions.一些护士要求享有拒绝为人做人工流产的权利。It would be uncivil to refuse.拒绝别人是很不礼貌的。There are ways to refuse without being impolite or insensitive.有既不失礼或又不显淡漠的拒绝之法。She had made us an offer too good to refuse.她开出的条件好得让我们难以回绝。She made me an offer too good to refuse.她给我的报价太好了,我无法拒绝。He has good reason to refuse.他有充分的理由拒绝。She feels she doesn't have the heart to refuse him.她感到自己实在舍不得拒绝他。The management reserves the right to refuse admission.管理层保留拒绝录用的权利。It was considered a breach of etiquette to refuse an invitation.拒绝邀请被视为一种违反礼节的行为。She had the integrity to refuse to compromise on matters of principle.她为人正直,拒绝在原则问题上让步。He must have a very hard heart to refuse such a plea.他拒绝这样的恳求,一定是铁石心肠。It's simply childish to refuse to talk to her.拒绝和她说话,这简直是幼稚。The patient has the right to refuse treatment.病人有权利拒绝接受治疗。Jessie couldn't find it in her heart to refuse them.杰茜不忍心拒绝他们。He knew it was political suicide to refuse the offer.他知道拒绝这一提议会断送他的政治前程。The management reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone who is improperly dressed.管理层保留拒绝衣冠不整者进入公司的权利。You have an absolute right to refuse medical treatment.你有绝对权利,可以拒绝接受治疗。Working parents are not allowed to refuse inconvenient shifts.上班的父母即使碰上时间不方便的轮班也不能拒绝。The committee has the absolute discretion to refuse applications.委员会拥有绝对的权力拒绝申请。You were quite within your rights to refuse to co-operate with him.你完全有权拒绝跟他合作。You'd be quite within your rights to refuse to work on Sunday.你完全有权拒绝在星期天工作。I used to refuse invitations to parties because I knew I'd go crimson every time someone talked to me.我过去常拒绝参加聚会的邀请,因为我知道每次有人和我说话我都会脸红。Some banks are threatening to refuse loans to anyone who cannot provide suitable guarantees.有些银行扬言要拒绝贷款给那些不能提供合适担保的人。It would be impolite to refuse the invitation.拒绝邀请会显得不礼貌。She deemed it wise to refuse the offer.她认为拒绝这个建议是明智之举。It was impossible to refuse his request.不可能拒绝他的要求。It seemed churlish to refuse his invitation.不接受他的邀请似乎有些失礼。The offer was too good to refuse.这个提议太好了,让人难以拒绝。You don't really expect them to refuse, do you?你实际上并没料到他们会拒绝,是不是?It would have seemed discourteous to refuse his offer.拒绝他的提议似乎不礼貌。It is socially irresponsible to refuse young people advice on sexual matters.拒绝向年轻人提供性方面的建议是对社会不负责任。It would be stupid to refuse through pride.出于自尊而拒绝是愚蠢的。It would be perverse to refuse to support this plea.对于这种请愿不予支持是有悖常情的。Sophia's invitation seemed too enticing to refuse.苏菲亚的邀请太诱人,叫人难以拒绝。I cannot find it in my heart to refuse his request.我不忍拒绝他的要求。Her second sight warned her to refuse this offer, attractive though it seemed.虽然这个建议看来颇具吸引力,但是她的洞察力使她拒绝接受。In California it is illegal to refuse to do business with someone because of their race or ethnic origin.在加州,因某人的种族或民族出身而拒绝和他做生意是违法的。 |