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词汇 to register
例句 I want to register a protest over their decision.我想对他们的决定提出抗议。I decided to register a complaint with the manager.我决定正式向经理投诉。Have you come to register at the school?.你来学校注册了吗?Students living away from home are required to register with a local doctor.离家上学的学生须到当地医生那里注册。Waldo went to the city hall to register the birth of his son.沃尔多去市政厅为他儿子作出生登记。Visitors are requested to register at the front desk.旅客需要在前台登记。In order to register a car in Japan, the owner must have somewhere to park it.在日本要登记一辆汽车,车主必须先要有车位。They were unwilling to register for the draft.他们不愿意登记入伍。Slowly, my mind began to register where I was: in the hospital.慢慢地,我开始注意到我待的地方竟是一家医院。There is still time to register for English classes.还有时间可以报名选修英语课。Missouri requires the parties to register poll watchers before election day.密苏里州要求各党派在选举日之前登记民意调查观察员。First, you need to register at the reception desk.首先,你需要在前台登记入住。Voters wish to register their dissatisfaction with the ruling party.选民希望表达他们对执政党的不满。Visitors are required to register their names on arrival.来访者必须在到达时登记姓名。There is no requirement to register a claim under the new legislation.按照新法,提出索赔没有条件。Anybody with shares in the company is urged to contact the receivers to register a claim.凡持有该公司股份者必须与破产管理人联系作所有权登记。It is now compulsory for anyone claiming state benefit to register with a job centre.现在凡向国家申请救济金的人都必须到职业中心去登记。Everyone who votes has to fill in a slip of paper in order to register.每位选民登记时都必须填写一张小纸条。Charities are required to register with a state agency.慈善机构必须在州政府部门注册。It took a moment for what she was saying to register. 我过了一会儿才明白她在讲些什么。It is his duty to register the names of the patients every day.每天登记病人的姓名是他的职责。He was forced to register in the sex offender registry.他被迫去性犯罪者登记处进行登记。It is easier to register dissent in the Internet era.在因特网时代表达不同意见更为简单。Workers stopped work to register their protest.工人罢工以示抗议。You had to register a baby's birth within a month.你必须在一个月以内去登记孩子的出生。The stopping distance includes the time taken for the brain to register the need to stop.制动停车距离涵盖了大脑意识到必须停车所需要的时间。Students lined the hall, waiting to register for classes.学生们在大厅排队,等着注册选课。A council could refuse to register a house as being in multiple occupation if the proposed manager was not a fit and proper person.如果受推荐的管理人不适合,市政委员会有可能拒绝将一所房子登记为多人居住。At first the words failed to register.开始时这些话未被理解。The city has proposed a plan to register all drug users at a special clinic.该市已提出一项计划,让所有的吸毒者到一家专科诊所作登记。Thousands lined up to register to vote.数千选民排队登记投票。I paused to allow the full impact of this to register.我停下来以消化这一切带来的所有影响。His eyes failed to register Susan's surprise.他没注意到苏珊吃惊的样子。The pain that stung her hand did not seem to register.她似乎没注意到手上的蜇痛。Thousands joined the march to register their opposition to the cuts in education.数千人参加游行表示反对削减教育经费。Those who fail to register risk severe penalties.那些没有注册的人可能会受到严厉的处罚。




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