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词汇 shoestring
例句 The agency was a shoestring operation at first.这家经销店刚开始时是小本经营的生意。The film was made on a shoestring budget.这部电影是小成本制作。The newspaper operates/runs on a shoestring.这家报纸营运经费很少。The store is a shoestring operation right now.这家商店现在是小规模经营。She started/began the business on a shoestring. 起初她的公司是小本经营。Our schools are still running on a shoestring.我们的学校仍旧在靠极少的经费维持着。She started her business on a small/tight/shoestring budget and could not afford to overspend.她开始做生意时资金不充裕,花钱不能大手大脚。The film was made on a shoestring.这部电影是小成本制作。He started his business on a shoestring and built it up gradually.他以微薄的资金创业,然后慢慢发展扩大。The program was run on a shoestring.这计划靠微薄的资金支撑。The business is operating on a shoestring budget.这家公司是小本经营。The film was made on a shoestring.这部电影以很少的投资拍成。I've been living on a shoestring since my father stopped sending me money.自从父亲不再给我寄钱后,我便靠小本经营维生。Nearly all of our research had to be conducted on a shoestring.我们几乎所有的研究都是靠极少的经费进行的。The British-produced film was made on a shoestring budget.这部英国出品的电影是小成本制作。The movie was made on a shoestring.这部电影的制作成本很低。The left fielder made a shoestring catch.左外野手接住了快要落地的球。They don't amount to a shoestring.它们不值什么钱。The theatre will be run on a shoestring.戏院将小本经营。She lived on a shoestring during these years, eking out the pennies as best she could.这些年她就靠一点点钱生活,因此花钱尽量精打细算。




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