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词汇 someone else
例句 My husband left me for someone else.我丈夫为了别人抛弃了我。I mistook your signature and thought the letter was from someone else.我把你的签名认错了,以为信是别人寄来的。She became convinced that her boyfriend was seeing someone else.她坚信她男朋友在和别人约会。Now she feels the time has come to hand over to someone else.她觉得现在该是移交权力的时候了。I hope what I have written will be of benefit to someone else who may feel the same way.我希望我所写的内容能对其他和我有同感的人有所裨益。You're always ready enough to blame someone else for your mistakes.你总是喜欢在自己犯错时去谴责别人。You can divert attention by talking about someone else.你可以通过谈论别人来转移注意力。He absolutely adored her and was heartbroken when she married someone else.他对她十分倾慕,当她嫁给别人时,他非常伤心。When Charlie finally got down there to buy the car, he discovered that someone else had beaten him to it.查利最后赶去买那辆车时,却发现有人抢先一步把它买了。I wish she'd shut up for a minute and let someone else talk.我希望她能闭一会儿嘴,让其他人来说。One person's mistakes can bring disaster to someone else.一个人的错误可能祸及他人。It's difficult to adjust one's habits to someone else.很难改变一个人的习惯去适应另一个人的习惯。Talking things out with someone else can be helpful.跟别人讨论讨论把问题彻底谈开了可能会有用。I wanted someone else to shoulder the responsibility.我希望其他人来担起这个责任。My business was most successful when I formed a good partnership with someone else.当我与别人建立了良好的合股关系时,我的生意最兴旺发达。It's kind of tacky to give her a present that someone else gave you.你把别人给你的礼物送给她,这有点不好。It never entered his head that she might be seeing someone else.他从未想到过她或许会另有相好。We cannot simply shift the responsibility onto someone else.我们不能简单地把责任推给别人。Copyright protects your work from being commercially exploited by someone else without your consent.版权保护你的作品,以免在未经你同意的情况下被他人用于商业目的。He was only too pleased to let someone else stick their neck out and take responsibility.他就喜欢让别人出头承担责任。Unfortunately, they offered the contract to someone else.很不幸,他们把合同给了别人。To do something oneself is often easier than getting someone else to do it.自己去办理一件事常常比请人去做来得容易。I was rather hoping someone else would do it.我更希望其他人会做这件事。I told him to get someone else to do his dirty work for him.我让他去找别人替他做吃力不讨好的活儿。You'll have to borrow the money from someone else.你必须从别人那里借钱。When Kate knew John was seeing someone else, she should have left him then and there.当凯特知道约翰在和别人约会时,她本应该马上就离开他。From her welcoming smile he realized, with a sinking of the heart, that she'd been expecting someone else.她脸上挂着的欢迎笑容让他内心失落地意识到她是在等别人。Do you have what it takes to run this business, or shall I give someone else the chance?你有能力管理这家公司吗,还是让我把机会给别人?Should we invite someone else since he can't go?他无法赴约,我们是否应该另邀他人?It seemed only right that someone else should be given a chance.应该给别人一个机会,这样似乎才公正。If you have a problem, tell your parent, teacher, or someone else you trust.你如果有麻烦,就告诉父母、老师或其他你信任的人。She had a consciousness that someone else was in the dark room.她有一种感觉:漆黑的房间里还有别人。The problem with having a shared telephone is that someone else always seems to be using it.共用一个电话有一点不好,那就是好像别人总是在用电话。I don't care if people who drink and drive kill themselves - what worries me is that they might kill someone else.我才不担心那些酒后驾车的人会丧命呢,我担心的是他们可能会撞死别人。He turned away from me and began talking to someone else.他转身离我而去,开始和别人聊起来。She did work which by rights should be done by someone else.她做了理应由别人做的事情。Suggesting that our problems are the fault of someone else won't solve anything.示意我们的问题是别人的错误造成的,不能解决什么。If I can't make a living at painting, at least I can teach someone else to paint.如果我不能靠画画谋生,至少我可以教别人画画。He is clueless as to what to do and hopes that someone else might provide him with a solution.他不知道该怎么办,希望别人给他提供解决办法。We thought the owner would agree to sell us the house but we were pipped at the post by a more generous offer from someone else.我们以为房主会同意把房子卖给我们,可是眼看要成交时,有人出更大的价钱把房子买去了。




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