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I must have been mad to let myself become involved with someone like Dennis.和丹尼斯那样的人扯在一起,我肯定是疯了。I can always use someone with good access to the White House. What's your angle?我倒总有办法利用一个经常出入白宫的人。你的特殊有利条件是什么?It is only human to want revenge when someone hurts you.受到伤害时想报仇不过是人之常情。I can't believe that someone I had helped and supported would steal from me. It's a real stab in the back.我无法相信我曾经帮助支持过的人会偷我的东西。这真是背后捅刀啊。I hope what I have written will be of benefit to someone else who may feel the same way.我希望我所写的内容能对其他和我有同感的人有所裨益。Would someone please help me move the piano?请来个人帮我搬一下钢琴好吗?The waiter recognized one of his customers as someone he went to school with.侍者认出其中一名顾客是他过去的同学。I think we all like to believe that if someone is made of the right stuff, they will rise to the top.我觉得大家好像都这么认为,只要是个有本事的人,就会出人头地。He had the prim renunciative mouth of someone who had eaten fish with bones in it.他是那种一本正经装得像是不沾荤腥的人,而实际上却是吃鱼不吐骨的馋鬼。We need someone who can inspire the team.我们需要一位能鼓舞全队士气的人物。She successfully defended herself against an attack from someone larger and stronger.她成功地抵御了比她强壮的人的攻击。They hired someone to answer the telephones.他们雇了个人接电话。Suggesting that our problems are the fault of someone else won't solve anything.示意我们的问题是别人的错误造成的,不能解决什么。It would defeat the object of the exercise if we paid someone to do it for us.花钱找人替我们做练习会有悖于练习的宗旨。We can't afford to employ someone who isn't good at the job – business is business.我们不能找一个工作干不好的人 — 公事归公事嘛。If he can't cut it, then we'll get someone else to do the job.要是他干不了这活儿,那我们就另请高明。I have not found a single instance where someone was actually denied their right to vote.我至今还未发现一个有人被真正剥夺选举权的实例。It's inconceivable that university officials would fire someone as talented and loyal as Professor Schultz.大学管理层竟然把这么有才华和忠心耿耿的舒尔茨教授给开除了,简直让人难以置信。She was distracted for a moment by someone asking the time.有人问时间使她分心了一下。I don't think I can get on this horse without help. Can someone give me a leg up?没人帮忙,我想我可上不了马。有人能帮我一把吗?It took weeks to get used to having someone else around.我花了几周的时间才习惯周围有别人跟着。Inexperience can work against someone looking for a job.没有经验可能对求职者不利。We'll have someone type it out and put it in alphabetical order.我们会让人把它打出来,然后按字母顺序排列。She looked backwards when she heard someone calling her.当她听见有人叫她时,她向后看了一看。I'll do it because someone has to.这件事总得有人去做,我来吧。It's difficult to ask someone their age without appearing rude.问别人的年龄总难免有点失礼。It is not fair for him to be permanently unfriendly to someone who has hurt him.他对伤害过自己的人永远存有敌意,这样是不对的。Much to everyone's amusement, someone hid his clothes while he was swimming.让每个人都觉得好笑的是,在他游泳时有人把他的衣服藏起来了。We bought it quick, before someone else could.我们很快抢在别人面前买下了。We hired someone to fix the computer system, but he botched it up even more.我们雇了个人来修电脑系统,可他却把它搞得更坏了。We should flag someone down and ask for directions.我们应该拦个人问问路。She's retiring, and it won't be easy to find someone who can step into her shoes. 她就要退休了,但是很难找到能顶替她的人。The good guy is someone who radiates good vibes to others.所谓好人,就是能以真情善意动人。They blithely assumed there would be someone there to help them.他们乐观地以为那里会有人帮助他们。We need someone to do the clerical work here.我们这里需要一个人做办事员的工作。If someone offers you a cigarette, just say no thanks.如果有人给你香烟,你就说不要。James needed to unburden himself to someone.詹姆斯需要找人倾诉以消除烦恼。There was a message waiting, denoting that someone had been here ahead of her.有了一条留言,这表示有人已先于她到了这儿。It's easy to pass the buck and blame someone else for your failure.推卸责任,把自己的失败归咎于他人是很容易的。The situation called for someone tough, and I was a complete marshmallow.这种局面需要一个自信坚定的人,而我太胆小软弱了。 |