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词汇 Somehow
例句 Somehow they stood together and kept the business going in spite of all that was going on.尽管发生了这一切,他们还是团结在一起把公司经营下去。Somehow we got him up the stairs and into bed.我们总算把他弄上楼睡觉去了。Somehow a misunderstanding arose.不知怎的产生了误会。Somehow, anyhow, I've got to get this car repaired before the weekend.我得想办法,不管是什么办法,在周末前找人把车修好。Somehow, she always manages to maneuver herself out of difficult situations.不知怎的她总能设法摆脱困境。Somehow I offended him, which wasn't what I'd intended.我不知怎么得罪了他,但这不是我的初衷。Somehow, Moore manages to deal light-heartedly with subjects such as death and illness.莫尔以某种轻松的手法处理了死亡和疾病这一类的主题。Somehow he tells these stories without a note of horror.不知为什么他讲这些故事时一点都不害怕。Somehow I managed to quieten her down.我设法让她平静了下来。Somehow, though, their latest album has a focus that the others have lacked.但是,他们的最新专辑设法找到了其他专辑所欠缺的一种目的性。Somehow I had the restraint not to tell Peter that.我还是强忍着没把那件事告诉彼得。Somehow he was irritated by the smoothness of the salesman.不知为什么这个推销员的圆滑使他恼怒。Somehow the sheep had jumped over the fence.不知怎么地,那只羊跳过了围栏。Somehow the storm spared our house while nearby buildings were destroyed.不知何故暴风雨摧毁了附近的建筑而我们的房屋却得以幸免。Somehow we got on to grandparents.不知怎么的,我们谈起祖父母来。Somehow, she managed to spin her story out so that it took her the whole train journey to tell it.她想办法把故事拉长,这样她在火车上的时间都花在讲故事上了。Somehow I was dragooned into working overtime.不知怎么的,我被迫加了班。Somehow he could never manage to make his money last out.不知何故,他的钱总也不够用。Somehow we managed to haul the boat out of the water and onto the bank.我们终于想办法把小船拖出水面弄上岸。Somehow, I just don't think it'll work.不知为什么,我总觉得那样行不通。Somehow it didn't seem to matter much any more.不知怎的,这似乎已经不大重要了。Somehow, he'd managed to persuade Kay to buy one for him.不知用了什么方法,他成功说服凯给他买了一个。Somehow, despite everything, he managed to pass all his final exams.也不知用了什么办法,他克服一切,成功通过了各项期末考试。Somehow or other that man always comes to anchor in a bar.不知怎么地,那人老是泡在酒吧里。Somehow he managed to escape serious injury.他总算逃过一劫,没有受重伤。Somehow she managed to get hold of the band's new album before it came out.不知她用了什么高招,在乐队的新唱片上市之前就把它弄到手了。Somehow the magnets had erased the entire cassette.不知怎么地,磁铁就把整盒磁带的内容都抹掉了。Somehow the place even smelt wonderfully nostalgic.不知为什么,这个地方竟透出一种浓郁的怀旧气息。Somehow we kept the ship afloat.我们想方设法使船没有下沉。Somehow, I just couldn't see him as a banker.我有点儿无法想象他会成为银行家。Somehow he still elicited sympathy from the audience.不知怎的他依然博取了观众的同情。Somehow or other he's involved.不知怎的,他也牵涉在内。Somehow he always manages to insinuate himself into our plans.不知用什么手段他总是能把他自己纳入到我们的计划中。Somehow the suitcase with my clothes was misplaced.不知怎么的,我忘了把装衣服的手提箱放到哪里去了。Somehow we have to conjure up another $10,000.我们得想办法再弄到一万美元。Somehow the prisoners managed to spirit news out to the world outside.囚犯们不知用什么办法把消息送出了监狱。Somehow or other, we muddled our way through.不管怎么样,我们还是勉强撑过来了。Somehow, it was easier to deal with him when he was alone.不知为什么,他一个人的时候反而更容易打交道。Somehow her story doesn't quite hang together.不知为什么,她的故事听起来不像是真的。Somehow, the end of term had crept up on us.不知不觉又到学期末了。




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