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词汇 shame
例句 I nearly died of shame!我当时简直羞愧得要死!He speaks about it openly and without shame.他居然不知羞耻地把这事公开讲了出来。The government will name and shame the worst-performing airlines.政府将会把业绩最差的航空公司曝光。He is really dead to shame.他真是不知羞耻。Acapulco is a cosmopolitan city with a nightlife that puts Rio to shame.阿卡普尔科是个大都市,其夜生活之繁华让里约热内卢相形见绌。His head was bowed in shame.他羞愧地低下了头。Her cheeks were burning with shame.她的双颊因羞愧而发烫。Most patients find it very difficult to vocalize feelings of shame.大多数病人都觉得羞耻感很难说出口。I bow my head in shame when I think of how I treated her.想到我是如何对待她的,我就万分羞愧。She felt a deep sense of shame and repugnance.她深感羞耻和厌恶。She blushed with shame.她羞得涨红了脸。A shame to let a joker like this win.让这种窝囊家伙赢了去,真不像话。He felt a deep sense of shame.他深深地感到羞愧。What a shame, your party is on the only day I can't come!多可惜!你的派对正好安排在我唯独不能去的那天!There was really no shame in losing to Norton at that stage of his career.他在职业生涯的那个阶段败给诺顿确实没有什么可羞愧的。It's a damn shame he left her.他抛弃她走了,真他妈的无耻。It's a shame he isn't here.他不在这里,真是遗憾。Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school.你的恶劣行径给整个学校带来耻辱。Some people maintained that shame may operate as the principal sanction against wrongdoing.有些人认为廉耻之心可成为防止干坏事的主要约束力。It would be a crying shame if the village shop closed down.如果这家村子里的商店倒闭的话,真是可惜啊。It's a shame that such a beautiful area has been defiled by a rubbish dump.这么美的地方竟然被一堆垃圾给糟蹋了,真是太可惜了。There is no shame in admitting your mistakes. 承认自己的错误并没有什么丢人的。It's a nice dress. It would be a shame to chuck it away.那件衣服很不错,扔掉太可惜了。To make people feel shame or guilt for being ill is unconscionable.让人们因为生病而感到羞耻和负疚是不道德的。He accused her of bringing shame and disgrace on the family.他指责她给家庭带来耻辱。It's a shame to cover this beautiful table with a tablecloth.把这张漂亮的桌子用桌布盖起来真是可惜。It was a crying shame that they lost the game.他们输了这场比赛真是可惜。It's a dreadful shame that you can't go.你不能去真是太遗憾了。It's a dirty shame that nobody tried to help him.真是令人遗憾,竟然没有人去帮助他。The next day I remembered how drunk I'd been , and almost died of shame.第二天我想起自己当时的醉态,羞愧得要命。She felt a deep sense of shame.她深感羞愧。He bowed his head in shame as the details of his arrest were read out in court.法庭宣读逮捕他的详情时,他惭愧地低下头来。The school's exam results shame those of the other schools in the area.该校的考试成绩使这个地区的其他学校都相形见绌。He was being held by two security guards, his head bowed in shame.他被两个保安架着,羞愧地低着头。It's a shame to see how Hollywood has bastardized the novel.好莱坞把这部小说拍成了粗劣的电影,真是遗憾。I thought shame to have been so careless.我这样粗枝大叶,实在感到惭愧。I don't want to bring shame on the family name.我不想玷污家族的名声。It's a shame to waste all this food.把这些食物都浪费掉多可惜啊。The MP was accused of bringing shame and humiliation on the whole party.这位议员被指责给全党带来了耻辱。He was red-faced with rage/shame.他气/羞红了脸。




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