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词汇 settle down
例句 He settled down for the night.他落脚过夜了。I settled down to sleep beneath a canopy of stars.在繁星点点的天幕下我静下来入睡。I want to get married and settle down.我想结婚安顿下来。They swore they would never settle down and get married.他们发誓决不会安定下来,也不会结婚。He got his coffee, came back and settled down to listen.他喝了杯咖啡,回来后开始认真听讲。They settled down on the sofa to watch the film.他们安静下来坐到沙发上看电影。He was a bit of a lad until he settled down.在他安定下来之前,他一直是个花花公子。Afterwards, we strolled back, put the kettle on and settled down with the newspapers.然后,我们溜达回来,烧上水,又坐下看报纸。Another restless night followed, but she determinedly settled down to work again the next morning.又一个不眠之夜,但是第二天早上她还是决意继续专心工作。Once he shows he can be bought, they settle down to a regular payment.一旦他表现出可以被收买,他们就会定期向他行贿。Stock-market trading slowly settled down as sanity returned.随着人们逐渐恢复理智,证券交易也慢慢稳定下来。She felt she wasn't yet ready to settle down.她觉得自己还没有准备好安顿下来。As a young man, he wanted to see the world before he settled down.年轻时候的他想先去见见世面,然后再安定下来。His parents hope he'll soon find a nice girl, settle down, and get married.他父母希望他很快找个好姑娘,安顿下来结婚。It was two o'clock before I could finally settle down to writing the next chapter.等我最后坐下来写下一章的时候已是两点钟了。You have to settle down to study now.你现在得安下心来学习了。When things settle down here, I'll come for a visit.等这里的事情处理好,我会前去拜访。He wanted to marry and settle down, but the girls were only interested in one-night stand.他想要结婚并安定下来,但是那些女孩只对露水姻缘感兴趣。He poured himself a drink and settled down in front of the TV.他给自己倒了杯饮料,然后舒舒服服地坐在电视机前。Becky's not ready to settle down with one man - she enjoys playing the field too much.贝姬不愿意专情于某一个男人——她太喜欢同时和几个人谈情说爱了。Eventually I'd like to settle down and have a family, but not yet.最终我想安定下来生儿育女,但现在还不是时候。He has given up his freewheeling lifestyle to settle down with his baby daughter.他放弃了自己无拘无束的生活方式,和小女儿安顿下来。Okay, class, settle down and open your books.好了,同学们,安静下来,打开书本。They refuse to commit, refuse to settle down.他们拒绝作出承诺,拒绝安定下来。Before she settled down in Portugal, she had run her own antiques shop in London.在定居葡萄牙之前,她在伦敦经营一家自己的古董店。He doesn't want to settle down as a dutiful husband just yet.他现在还不想安心做一个尽职的丈夫。They settled down to some serious work.他们着手做一些重要的工作。Did you settle down in the school?你习惯不习惯学校生活?She's a traveller at heart. You'll never get her to settle down.她生性喜欢过流浪漂泊的生活,你是不可能让她安定下来的。She kicked off her shoes and settled down on the sofa.她踢掉脚上的鞋,在沙发上坐了下来。All systems settle down after a time.所有系统都要经过一段时间才会稳定。She settled down to read on the huge, overstuffed couch.她在软绵绵的大沙发里坐下读书。He wanted to play the field a bit before he got married and settled down.他想放纵一把再结婚安心过日子。If the kids don't settle down soon, I'll go up and read them the riot act.如果孩子不马上安静下来,我就会上去严厉地警告他们。She settled down on the bed.她舒舒服服地躺在了床上。Are you ever going to settle down and get married?你打算结婚过安稳的日子吗?He lit his pipe, then settled down to relax.他点燃了烟斗,然后坐下来休息。He settled down there for the night.他在那里落脚过夜。His brothers were married and settled down nearby.他的几个兄弟都已结婚,就住在附近。It may take another week or so to settle down before we can get back to normal.也许还要一周左右的时间我们才能安顿下来恢复正常。




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