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词汇 set in
例句 Grandma is so set in her ways.奶奶的行事方式就是这样一成不变。The rot set in when his parents divorced and he started taking drugs.他的父母离婚了,他又开始吸毒,自此后就开始变得一团糟。The castle is set in extensive grounds.这座城堡建造在一片广阔的土地上。The property is set in two acres of land.这座房产占地两英亩。This was literally a life-and-death situation because if the plane did not reach him in time, exposure would set in.当时形势确实生死攸关,因为如果飞机没有及时接他的话,他就会暴露。It's a story set in the last century about a girl whose parents disowned her when she married a foreigner.这是发生在上个世纪的故事,讲述的是一个女孩因嫁给外国人父母与她断绝关系的事。The novel is a historical saga, set in Tudor times.这是一部历史长篇小说,以都铎王朝时代为背景。Gangrene can set in and fingers and toes drop off.会感染坏疽,手指和脚趾会脱落。As people get older, they often become set in their ways.随着年岁渐长,人们行事也往往一成不变起来。The palace is set in extensive grounds.宫殿位于庞大的庭院中。The plans have been set in train. 各项计划已开始执行。Nothing is yet set in concrete.一切都还没有固定下来。A few months later the divorce procedure was set in motion.几个月以后,离婚程序启动了。I'm too old and set in my ways to try living in a foreign country now.我现在太老了,已很难改变自己的生活方式,所以不愿到外国去居住。Within a few hours rigor mortis would set in.几小时之内,尸僵将会出现。His face was set in grim determination.他铁板着脸,表示已下定决心。The battle dragged and the rainy season set in.战争拖延著,雨季来临了。The novel is set in the fictional German town of Kreiswald.这部小说以虚构的德国小镇克赖斯瓦尔德为背景。The kids should go outside and play before the rain sets in again.趁这雨还没接着下,孩子们应该到外面去玩一玩。I always keep a tool set in the back of my car.我一直都在汽车的后备箱内放着一套工具。Reality was starting to set in. We were not going to win.现实明摆在那儿,我们赢不了。The campsite is set in the middle of a pine forest.宿营地设在松树林的中央。A desperate tiredness set in after hours of waiting.等了数小时之后,极度的疲倦袭来。Some firms have cut workers' pay below the level set in their contract, a practice that is illegal in Germany.一些公司把工人薪水减至低于合同规定的水平,这种做法在德国是非法的。Wait's actions had set in motion a chain of events that would eventually result in his dismissal.韦特的行为引发了一连串的事件,这些事件最后将导致他被解雇。His eye swelled up as infection set in.他的眼睛开始发炎,肿了起来。The hotel is set in peaceful surroundings.酒店坐落于幽静之处。The correction had already been set in type.那处修正已经出现在铅字纸上。The Church voted to set in motion the process allowing women to be priests.教会投票决定启动允许妇女当牧师的程序。The film is a black comedy set in a funeral home.这部电影是一部以殡仪馆为背景的黑色喜剧。The sun set in a pyrotechnic display that burned up the whole sky.日落时呈现出焰火般绚烂的色彩,映红了整个天空。This set in motion a succession of events.这引发了一连串事件。The story is set in an imaginary world.故事发生在一个虚构的世界中。That telephone call set in train a whole series of events.那个电话引发了一连串的事件。The problem must be rectified before disappointment sets in.这一问题必须矫正,免得让大家失望。The older politicians are too set in their ways to understand the importance of these new ideas.那些老迈的政客们积习难改,无法了解这些新观念的重要性。The house is set in lush surrounds and has views of the ocean.小楼绿树环绕,可以看见大海。There was a television set in the corner of the room.屋子的角落里有台电视机。He came insolently towards Mr. Won, his features set in a scowl.他傲慢无礼地朝元先生冲过来,面露怒容。In many schools, the rot is beginning to set in. Standards are falling all the time.很多学校的情况正开始变得越来越糟,教学水平一路下滑。




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