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词汇 self-interest
例句 Not all people are motivated by self-interest.并非所有人都会以个人利益为动机行事。No one can accuse you of self-interest.没有人能指责你自私自利。Advertising is most effective when it appeals directly to people's self-interest.广告直接迎合人们的个人利益时效果是最好的。They acted out of self-interest and fear.出于私利和恐惧,他们采取了行动。Closer examination of the fine print of his proposals revealed the self-interest behind this altruistic posture.进一步推敲一下他那些建议中的晦涩内容,就会发现在这种利他主义姿态的背后隐藏着利己的打算。His offer was motivated solely by self-interest.他的提议完全是出于私利。He acted out of self-interest and fear.他是出于利己之心和恐惧才这么干的。Their current protests are motivated purely by self-interest.他们当前的抗议完全是受一己之利驱使的。Our self-interest demands that we help them. 帮助他们对我们自身有利。It would be a gross distortion of reality to say that they were motivated by self-interest.说他们受私心驱动是对事实的严重歪曲。Many of them placed self-interest before the common good.他们中的许多人置一己私利于集体利益之上。I think it would be a gross distortion of reality to say that they were motivated by self-interest.我认为说他们是受自身利益的驱使是对事实的严重歪曲。Faction and self-interest appear to be the norm.派系之争和自私自利看来非常普遍。The one who stipulates for an unfair advantage may be moved solely by his own self-interest.那些要求获得不平等优势的人可能完全是出于自己的私利。Our country's role in the world must be determined by economic self-interest.我们的国家在世界上的地位必须由自身的经济利益来决定。Preventing a war is in the self-interest of both countries.防止战争对两国的自身利益都相符。What finally decided him was self-interest.最终使他做出决定的是他自己的切身利益。Directors may be tempted to act in their own self-interest.董事们可能会受诱惑谋求个人私利。Her so-called charity work was a camouflage for her own self-interest.她做的所谓的慈善之举不过是在掩饰私利。He suspected a self-interest angle on the company's part.他怀疑公司在搞利己的鬼把戏。It's just self-interest parading as concern for your welfare.这只是假装关心你幸福的自私自利。




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