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例句 He got a drink of water while the others continued playing.他喝了一杯水,而其他人则继续玩。Some of us are sensitive to smells, others find colours easier to remember.我们当中的一些人对气味很敏感,而其他一些人则更容易记住颜色。America encouraged Britain and France to do so while it accepted a supporting military role.美国鼓励英国和法国这样做,而其自身接受了一个辅助性的军事角色。Some of the fields are cultivated while others lie fallow.有些土地在耕作,而其他一些土地则在休耕。So why does one company survive a recession while its competitors fall by the wayside?为什么有些公司能在萧条中生存,而其竞争者却纷纷落马呢?So why does one company survive a recession while its competitors fall by the wayside?那么为什么一家公司度过了经济衰退期,而其他竞争对手都中途倒闭了呢?Some parts of the city are desperately overcrowded while others are relatively empty.这个城市的某些地区拥挤得要命,而其他地区则相对较空。He thought that he was a brilliant artist himself and that all his fellow painters were just mediocrities.他认为自己是个了不起的艺术家,而其他所有那些同行画家不过是些平庸之辈。The building is hated by some and considered a work of art by others.一些人厌恶这座建筑,而其他人则认为它是一件艺术品。Lady Castleton has a flat near Westminster, but her country seat is in Yorkshire.卡斯尔顿夫人的寓所在威斯敏斯特附近,而其庄园却在约克郡。The scheme will overpay some lawyers and underpay others.该方案使一些律师获得过高酬劳,而其他律师则报酬过低。The programme seemed false and sugary, and the characters smug.这个节目看起来矫揉造作,而其中的人物还自我感觉良好。The west wing of the house is still lived in by Lord and Lady Carlton, while the rest of the house is open to the public.房子的西翼仍由卡尔顿勋爵及夫人居住,而其余部分则向公众开放。Where some people learned to play the accordion for dances in their community, others took music lessons.一些人学习弹手风琴,为他们社区里的舞蹈表演进行伴奏,而其他人则上音乐课。Some were given the full treatment, while others were ignored.有些人得到了礼遇,而其他人却被忽视了。Some types of camel have two humps and others have one.有些种类的骆驼有两个驼峰,而其他的只有一个。The problem is a combination of religion and politics, and the other issues merely serve to embitter and intensify the conflict.这个问题涉及宗教与政治,而其他问题只会激化和加深冲突。




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